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Imperial Cup 2017 VMSL Imperial Cup

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Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
It's pretty much impossible as everyone said there wasn't except there is this guy, he's away, Estevan, and there's a super tiny chance that he took the flip, without telling us, and WATCH OUT...look over there...a friend from ITALY said we suck...and yeah. There's that. Cool story.
Well you are welcome to drop by one of our practices next week and you can chat with our Italian friend. It might be good for you and your awakening. We can chat also about the assistant nor showing up, the lack of coin toss, and the referee picking up a Coquitlam fan to do the line without telling us. If you have video or picture evidence then it would be appreciated. Otherwise, I will go with the word of the players. They (specially the back line) truly have a case to be pissed over the way the referee handled the situation of no assistant and arbitrarily picking sides.

We simply have a social system that has kept amateur, semi-pro, and pro level at a very low standards when compared to the rest of the world. Of course, most people do not see or acknowledge or even will fight those who are trying to awake others from the fantasy.
These type of incidents simply hightlight the more deeper and entrenched problems with our local soccer community.



Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2011
Dirty Money
Well you are welcome to drop by one of our practices next week and you can chat with our Italian friend. It might be good for you and your awakening. We can chat also about the assistant nor showing up, the lack of coin toss, and the referee picking up a Coquitlam fan to do the line without telling us. If you have video or picture evidence then it would be appreciated. Otherwise, I will go with the word of the players. They (specially the back line) truly have a case to be pissed over the way the referee handled the situation of no assistant and arbitrarily picking sides.

We simply have a social system that has kept amateur, semi-pro, and pro level at a very low standards when compared to the rest of the world. Of course, most people do not see or acknowledge or even will fight those who are trying to awake others from the fantasy.
These type of incidents simply hightlight the more deeper and entrenched problems with our local soccer community.

I have a friend who came to visit us from Spain and he said there was a coin toss. It's confirmed

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
@Soccer Coach interesting your friend was laughing at the Whitecaps level of play.

Just curious what Pro team did he play on back on Italy? Please state his name so we can google the highest level of soccer he has played.
I am glad that you mentioned it. This is one of the many weird things that I have encountered in Canadian soccer. People naively associate your level of professional playing soccer with your level of understanding and appreciation of the game.

This is naive and rudimentary thinking is something that you do not see in most countries. First, you have to see the universality of the game and that playing the game for an income is not related to having insights or discerning appreciation for the game.

Any rational and intelligent individual chooses a professional career (i.e. medicine, law, business, academia, etc) over a soccer career. The lifetime earnings are not even comparable. Those who choose soccer usually do not have other options.

In other words, you have a vast number of people who love, appreciate, understand, and assess the game, but have chosen other more profitable enterprises.

The second issue related with it is the highly specific training of the soccer player. For example, specializing in defending does not lead to the development of other critical set of cognitive skills.

To make an analogy, you can have a superb actor, but been a superb actor does not make you a good teacher of acting nor does it make you a good critic of plays and actors.

Another analogy is the one that Arrigo Sacchi would give. A good horse for racing does not make a good trainer for horses nor does make a good race forecaster. The analogy is a bit of a push, but makes the point.

I do not know if you speak Spanish, but the are interviews where top coaches have been helped by their wives and daughters. For example, Bilardo explained that his wife would analyse the games of the opposing teams and then would give to him the weaknesses and strengths of the opposition.

I know that you perhaps have not seeing. You have to see it to beleive it, but many grandmothers would watch games and would have better assessments on the games than young lads here in Vancouver. Obviously, these grandmothers might have never touched a soccer ball.

Very good art critics have never touched a brush.
And to answer your question, I think that he played when young on the third level of Italian football, but it is irrelevant. he could have never touched a ball and still have a very good appreciation and assessment for the game.

Sep 18, 2003
Dirty Money
HMMMMMM.....watching the batchelor now...what a nincomepoop that nik is ,wife is whatching me now 2.....we all have a voice here so let's use it.....on a side note we all breathe the saym air and drive in the same traffic day in day out and we all speak broken english because we can't fix it.................damaged it i'm gouda ! Mr Base lets go grab a kafa,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and ketch that div 3 game...
Maybe soccer coach has only checked in and never checked out yet............or is it checked out befor he checks in..... i put this all together myself......hooked on TTP.......:wa::bronco::gurps::dude::knvb:


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Express, under the wire, baseless Semi Final Predictions!

Quarter Finals: 3/4
Overall: 14/18

Metro Ford v Rovers Tigers
The weekend warriors Rovers get a third shite at CMF just as they likely had hoped. The Surrey boys a a conundrum, thumping Peg last weekend, but having been well beaten by underdogs in mid week league games. They will be there underdogs in this one, but no doubt they will be dying to prove they belong in the same thing air as Coquitlam. Metro Ford haven't been truly troubled by Soolsma and Co. in their other meetings and are surely confident of booking a place in the Final to try and repeat as winners. Should be a cracker and the MOTR as Tigers will be hungry. No reason to bet against the Champions though, I'll take the league leaders in this one.

Pegasus v West Van
Classic Peg, completely up and down. The thumping at the hands of Rovers will have been a bruise to the ego no doubt. This is Peg's only chance at a trophy given they lost the rematch with CMF and they are developing a healthy rivalry with the Tri Cities lads and will be keen to renew it in the Final. West Van have been in brilliant form of late, but their schedule has been far from the most challenging. It's a semi so both teams in with a chance, obviously, and it could go either way. I just think the Surrey boys have a point to prove in this one.


Aug 13, 2015
Dirty Money
Oh well, it is time for another controversial post from @soccercoach.

At the end of the day, the referees are simply workers who are underpaid, under-supported, and abused. They deserve better wages, benefits, and more support from the league. This is why they are underperforming.

The VMSL has accumulated a significant amount of surplus money who is being kept "for the rainy day" and who has helped to pay other people.
These money comes directly from the backs of the referees.

The VMSL should invest back this accumulated money for the improvement and support of the referees.

Guys, just try to think rationally. The bulk of the money that the VMSL makes comes from the work of the referees. Every week literally thousands of hours of work from the referees makes possible the collection of revenues of the VMSL. Essentially the VMSL is accumulating every year a surplus at the expense of the referees.

I think that most of the players and teams would like to have better refereeing and this will only come with better wages and working conditions.

For instance, if a game gets cancelled, my understanding is that the referee does not get paid. He/she has spent on gas and time. I do not see this as fair.

Not many people want to referee because it is simply not a good deal. Come on guys, it does not take rocket science to see that there is an extraction of surplus value from the work of the referees and into the VMSL coffers.

I really do not see a problem with giving the referees a raise and paying for some supervision and assessments from the "rainy day fund". This is the "rainy" day.

Does someone has a copy of the financials of the VMSL?

Eduardo oh how we miss the controversy in our div. lol. First of all I have to disagree with u where this surplus comes from. It is the players who play or those who pay to have players come to their teams to play for them. They are the paying customers. This is a business which we pay for for. The league does not pay for them. We pay every game. I have reffed hockey for many years and both beer leagues and at higher levels. We were payed by the leagues which teams pay the association for to pay the refs. It is still the players payment.
We had exams to pass fitness tests to do and on ice evaluations.
Last year I brought up at the agm who holds the refs accountable. There was no answer. Vmsl? Bc soccer? No training or evaluations for existing or upcoming refs. Trust me Angelo values feedback on his refs. Good or bad.
As for a raise for the refs they must earn that and better themselves at every chance. They are paid and this is a job. Even if they don't claim it on taxes it is a job.


Aug 13, 2015
Dirty Money
Fcuk, you are such a baby.

All he is saying is that there is a formal environment where you can:
  1. Make a motion as a member.
  2. Run for a position on the BOD.
You are completely disrespecting the fact that the guys on the BOD are volunteers. All Tremy is stating is that if you have ideas, fantastic, then have the balls to make a formal motion at the AGM. If you are so vocal here, then be vocal in the formal environment, where the league is forced to listen to, and consider, your ideas.

But, if you do this, come to the meeting with a plan, as in, motion to allocate $$$ (have a budget in mind, and come prepared, know how much the current revenue is) from the fine revenue to pay for the initiatives you suggest. Also, come w/ a clear understanding of the society bylaws.

This would be far more productive than your bitching, whining, and crazy conspiracy theories on TTP. Be productive, actually do something if you feel that strongly. You may be surprised, you may find some people actually like your ideas and will vote with you.

There you go, you are welcome for the free advice.
Do not the board of directors receive an honorarium?? I believe all position do. Don't they??


Aug 13, 2015
Dirty Money
Your civility and thoughtfulness is always a surprise to me.
In your opinion, what would be a suggested parameter to determine more fair fees and wages for the referees? (i.e what share of revenue should be allocated to them?)

Would R: $200 and AR: $100 for Premier and R:$150 and AR: $75 for Division 1; and R: $100 for any other division?

I will take your advise. I will take the case to the AGM, but your thoughts and ideas are welcome.
Holy shite. That almost a 200% increase. Lol. As a beer league hockey ref they get anywhere from $35-$50 per game.
Sep 18, 2003
Dirty Money
Stick to ref-fing hockey then. "ref44" . Hockey ref gets 35-50 for a 60 minute game.The soccer guys get 40-80 for 90 minutes. Hockey ref is always indoors and never have mother nature to deal with,soccer ref does-rain,wind,snow,freezing temperature,burning hot heat.most hockey rinks have dressing rooms for all 3 teams,soccer-very few places have dressing rooms.


Aug 13, 2015
Dirty Money
Stick to ref-fing hockey then. "ref44" . Hockey ref gets 35-50 for a 60 minute game.The soccer guys get 40-80 for 90 minutes. Hockey ref is always indoors and never have mother nature to deal with,soccer ref does-rain,wind,snow,freezing temperature,burning hot heat.most hockey rinks have dressing rooms for all 3 teams,soccer-very few places have dressing rooms.
True that and I do
Sep 18, 2003
Dirty Money
Holy shite. That almost a 200% increase. Lol. As a beer league hockey ref they get anywhere from $35-$50 per game.

Just wondering.............what is your take on the bcspl and there player fees.It sounds somethin like this, befor bcspl-$120 a season , after bcspl league is formed and going - from what i hear approximately $2500 .My math is not sow goud ,what is the percentage on that ?
let me remind you a game can not be played without a licensed referee.


Aug 13, 2015
Dirty Money
Just wondering.............what is your take on the bcspl and there player fees.It sounds somethin like this, befor bcspl-$120 a season , after bcspl league is formed and going - from what i hear approximately $2500 .My math is not sow goud ,what is the percentage on that ?
let me remind you a game can not be played without a licensed referee.
Here I will put it in a way u may understand. Too flipping much. Some games not sure there is a ref out there at all instead just a 12th man. And that goes both ways. We have been on the 12th side as well as against it. Too much inconsistency. As for an increase in pay for them that does mean that they improve their refffin just that they make more.


New Member
Mar 7, 2016
Dirty Money
Tomorrow Coquitlam Metro-Ford will be hosting Cup Finals Day at Town Centre. Many great matches will be taking place, headlined be a rematch of the provincial final of last year with Metro Ford Wolves vs Pegasus FC kicking off at 5:30 at Percy Perry Field. As if it wasn't going to be enough excitement just watching all of these strong teams battle it out, there will also be a BEER GARDEN(cash only) opening at noon and food options giving all spectators the option to wet their whistles while enjoying a great day of football.

On a side note, Metro-Ford took on Pacific on Tuesday night taking home a 5-1 win. It has to be mentioned that young veteran, Craig Richards, saw his first minutes for the premier squad this year, making them count as he collected two assists while creating controversy for a starting role on the left side of the pitch for the Wolves.

The big cheese
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