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Champions League 2003/2004

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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2001
Dirty Money

Personally, Gronkjaer's goal to me looked like a cross, he was just looking to hit the ball into the middle hoping to find someone's head. I thought he was by far the worst player on the pitch today at Stamford Bridge, surprisingly worse than Lampard and Cole. His ability or lack thereof to get into good positions out wide and deliver a decent ball into the middle was fcuking atrocious. I'm sure the Upper Tier at the Bridge has never seen so many balls fly into it :rolleyes:. Also, I thought Johnson was poor today and gave up the ball far too frequently and far too easy - the defending on Morientes' goal was shoc-king by everyone in a blue shirt.

All in all though, a great year for Chelsea finishing 2nd in the League and making it to the Semi-Finals of the Champions League. Obviously, a bit disappointing not to reach the final and Ranieri is bound to lose his job at the end of the season but a good season nonetheless. I personally can't wait 'till it's over :(


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Vinny said:
chelsea definitly shite the bed being 2-0 up.

Brilliant, well spotted.

VINNY said:
gronkjaer's goal was almost like the last match of the season v liverpool ... a lucky curler.
Oh yes, that one.

VINNY said:
for a winger he doesnt use his speed ever, they say he can run 100m in 10s or something, doesnt seem like it. Lampard played bloody awful besides his goal ..... but hes keeping up his shitty play in Europe. thats probably it for Ranieri ....

Ask Mum if you can stay up past your bedtime to watch the match again (Chelsea v. Monaco, I know how confused you get). If she capitulates to your frenetic cries (if she lets you, to you), try watching it with your fcuking eyes open this time. All Gronkjaer is is pace. All he did tonight, with the exception of score a goal from a cross he hit with his chocolate leg (his face and body contorted into that of a spastic with the stress of hitting a ball with his other peg), was run at Monaco's fullbacks and put over two shocking corners before Jimmy Floyd took the ball off him. What the dancing Christ were you watching? Teletext? Lampard was the best player on the park for 30 minutes of the first half and skinned the entire Monaco midfield with one world-class jink. When he tired, Chelsea had had it. Full- stop.

That's 'probably' it for Rainieri is it? What on earth gave you that idea?

Vinny said:
i doubt chelsea will have that easy of a shot at the Champions League ever again.

Despite the cringeingly-awful grammar in that 'sentence', I'll let you off because, quite clearly, you know the game of football inside out and have a glistening future in front of you in stating the absolute bleeding fcuking obvious on ITV. Bravo.

Making chums, Fastshow.



Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
How's ma bum, Chum?

For the record, I was watching Teletext. ;)

I was a bit wankishoffish about the Joe Cole possible move to Rangers.
I'm not so sure now.
Mind you Govan's finest could get him right coked up in a hurry.
Gazza style of course. :D

You make 'em, we can break 'em at Rangers.

Unlucky Chelsea, I was hoping they'd go all the way.
I fcuking hate Didier Deschamps.

Stating the obvious,



Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
I'd ask my mum if I could stay up and watch Chelsea v. Monaco but she'd probably think I was talking about mud-wrestling. Or foxy boxing. I find it a little amusing to see you three (Fasty, Vincent and Walks) having a go at Gronkjaer. Why? It says right here: If Jespo (Jazza?) was English the limey public would be hailing him as their best left-winger since...Ah, that's right. England have no one on the left. Fcuking Margaret Thatcher was more left wing than they've got now. I'd be more worried about the defenders who went MIA for both Monaco's goals.

Lampard was great in the first half. What was he supposed to do in the second? Channel the spirit of Harry Houdini, nonnchalantly score three goals by himself and escape from a bolted-down milk container while strapped in chains and tossed into the Thames?
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