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Keane's new book


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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Man United's Keane could face suspension, legal action over ugly tackle

Canadian Press

Tuesday, August 13, 2002

LONDON (AP) - Manchester United captain Roy Keane could face an English Football Association inquiry after saying he deliberately injured Manchester City midfielder Alf Inge Haaland with a dangerous tackle.

The admission comes in the Irishman's forthcoming autobiography, which is being serialized in two British newspapers.

Keane says he "had waited long enough" to exact revenge on Haaland after suffering a knee injury while playing against the Norwegian in 1997.

Haaland was left with damaged knee ligaments after being fouled by Keane in the Manchester derby - Manchester United versus Manchester City - in April 2001 and has not played a full game since.

Keane admitted he made things worse by taunting Haaland while he lay stricken on the ground.

"I'd waited long enough. I . . . hit him hard. The ball was there (I think)," Keane said.

"And don't ever stand over me again sneering about fake injuries, and tell your pal (David) Wetherall there's some for him as well.

"I don't wait for (referee) Mr. (David) Elleray to show the red card. I turned and walked to the dressing room."

A statement by the English Football Association on Tuesday said it wanted to see the book in full before making any decision.

"However we clearly would never expect any one individual to set out to physically hurt an opponent at any level of the game," the FA said.

The suggestion of a premeditated attack has also alerted Haaland, 29, who hinted he may take legal action against Keane.

"Am I going to sue? Make your own mind up," Halland told the Sun newspaper.

"I've played only a few games after the tackle. I will go in and see if I can find any of Keane's studs inside there."

Manchester City said it would discuss Keane's comments with Halland and various soccer authorities before deciding on the appropriate response.

Players' union chief executive Gordon Taylor described Keane's comments as "ill-judged."

"Whilst it may make good copy and profits for the book publishers and the writer, it puts Roy in a bad position," Taylor said.

"He could face action from the FA, if not possibly legal action from Alfie Haaland. We tried at the time to calm things down between the two and we've had too many player versus player cases.

"We don't want that to happen again, but this has just opened up old wounds again at an unfortunate time."

© Copyright 2002 The Canadian Press
You've got to be kidding me. Of course he meant to hurt the guy... and they knew it at the time of the foul. While it shouldn't be spoken out loud, biding your time to exact revenge in a tackle is a well-known part of the game.

And a lawsuit? Please... :rolleyes:



New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Damn straight, I say. If Keane's dumb enough to publically admit his actions -- which he obviously is -- then Haaland should be given a portion of the money he makes on his expense.

If McSorely came out with a book and stated that he did, in fact, choose to viciously whack Brashear in the side of head with an intent to injure, then wouldn't you expect a lawsuit as well? It doesn't matter that Keane had the opportunity to mask his violence with a "legitmate" tackle. Of course he got a red, but he could argue (at the time) that it was in the heat of action with the play of the game. But now, his behaviour is akin to dangerous sucker punch with an intent to injure miles behind the play.

Sue him and take all profits from his book, just for being a knob and a fcuker -- and then mask it with all this nonsense.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Keane continues to play the dummy

I'm with Keeper on this one. What a dumb fcuk to admit it in a book like that! What does he expect the League to do given the guy hasn't been able to come back yet?

Keane blew the World Cup for himself and he continues on with some of the dumbest comments imaginable. Kinda qualifies himself for a TTPer.;)


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Keano .... there's only one Keano !!!

The likelihood of Alf-Inge Haaland taking legal action against Roy Keane increased dramatically yesterday as it emerged that he has been advised to retire from football. As revealed on Thursday, there is a possibility that the Manchester City player will not kick a ball again after three operations failed to clear up a longstanding knee problem.

Ouch ......


Jul 14, 2002
Dirty Money
In a battle of who can say the smartest comments to the press - it's neck and neck between Keano and Haaland.....

Monday, August 19, 2002
Haaland's admission ruins case against Roy
By Ian Ladyman

Alf-Inge Haaland may have ruined his own chances of successfully suing Roy Keane and Manchester United, it has emerged.

Haaland: Lack of football since Keane incident
Lawyers acting for Haaland and his club Manchester City are preparing a £6million action over Keane's admission that he intended to injure Haaland in a Manchester derby last year.

But their hopes of winning the case will be jeopardised by an article that appeared on the Norwegian's website last May in which he said the damage to his left knee was not caused by Keane's studs-up challenge.

Haaland, 31, has not played a full match since and is now claiming the tackle may end his career.

But under the headline 'Knee Injury Wasn't Caused By Keane', he wrote: 'I want to make it clear that it was not the knee that took a knock in the Manchester derby, despite what some papers have reported.

'It's my left knee that's been bothering me and it was clearly shown on Sky that it was my right knee that took the knock. It's been bothering me for three months.'



Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Classic .....

How funny is that ...... Haaland probably ate too many sardines back in Norway this summer - rotted his mind. What a dumb shite .....

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