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2014 BC Mens Provincial A Cup - Draw, Predictions, Results & Banter

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
Inter FC 3-2 Westcoast FC after extra time.

Westcoast took an early lead on a quick move up the left that ended in top corner strike at the near post. Inter tied on a free kick taken by their left back. Keeper got hands to it but couldn't keep it out. Inter took the lead in 2nd half on another free kick by their left back. This time the keeper was no where near it. I think he was hiding behind his wall. Westcoast tied with almost the last kick of regulation. Inter had it in the attacking 3rd and a poor pass was intercepted and quickly countered. A cross from the right side was met with a wonderful header in to the top corner. The winning goal was scored in extra time on yet another free kick, although this time the left mid for Inter instead of left back took it. It stretched all the way across the goal and went in without a touch.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2008
Dirty Money
Unlucky mb10 n co. It's been a roller coaster season for you guys this year, hopefully remaining FVSL teams can do something...

Inter on a tear right now.....


Active Member
Jan 30, 2004
Dirty Money
2 valiant efforts from both FVSL sides (Westcoast, and Langley Utd) for forcing extra time but falling a bit short. These games are a real indication of how well tested VMSL teams are. Fraser Valley teams don't get the level of competition on a weekly bases that the VSML teams do. There is a sense of belief VMSL sides have when they play FVSL teams where they always seem to know they are going to pull it out, no matter how tough the game may be.

For our game against Inter it was two very different teams. Without a doubt Inter carried more of the possession and were very content in moving the ball around the pitch, albeit, mostly in the second third and there own third of the field. We seemed to play much more direct trying to get the ball down the flanks quickly and create scoring chances that way. They scored on three free kicks, two well taking by Van Shagen, and Cucca with the winner which was played from a very wide area that found the back corner. I think we were very dangerous and had them on there back foot mostly on quick counters and they had a tough time dealing with are faster wide players. At the end of the day I just think there experience and belief was the difference. These types of games however, I hope give FVSL teams a sliver of hope.

Hopefully with the FVSL going to an 8 team premier next year it will bring the week in week out competition up and prepare us more for these types of games. Having said that I don't think it will be long before a few FVSL teams actually pull out the upsets. Maybe still a very far cry from a FVSL provincial champion but don't be surprised if you see a few semi finalists sooner rather than later.

Signing off for another year,

-one hopeful FVSL'er


New Member
Sep 20, 2003
Dirty Money
Well put outkast. You were a beast again for us yesterday.

I have played in both leagues and the quality of play in the vmsl is better and much more consistent. The fvsl is a better run league that does a lot of right things. The problem is that in the valley there isn't enough high end regular competition.

Having said that I think that we had done well enough to deserve a better result yesterday. Missing our two top scorers and a third striker who was at graduation certainly made our job much harder. We did well to hold inter to few chances and managed to carve a few of our own. Unfortunately at the end of the day we just fell short.

Congrats to inter and best of luck the rest of the way.


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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Well put outkast. You were a beast again for us yesterday.

I have played in both leagues and the quality of play in the vmsl is better and much more consistent. The fvsl is a better run league that does a lot of right things. The problem is that in the valley there isn't enough high end regular competition.

Having said that I think that we had done well enough to deserve a better result yesterday. Missing our two top scorers and a third striker who was at graduation certainly made our job much harder. We did well to hold inter to few chances and managed to carve a few of our own. Unfortunately at the end of the day we just fell short.

Congrats to inter and best of luck the rest of the way.
FFS, look what the cat dragged in after all these years!



Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Surrey 2-1 OT Langley,

First half was as expected, Surrey carried the play and found an early goal. Although outside of that they really weren't creating quality scoring

Second half Langley slowly gained some confidence and was able to string a few passes together and find a goal on what can only be described as the perfect cross shot. This came only a few minutes after missing a wide open header into a empty net.
OT- 10V10 at this point and late in the second half of extra time, Langleys keeper made a really poor unfortunate mistake and gave Surrey the tap in and win.

Surrey had more quality but not really much between the teams. Personally I just see so much more potential in local amateur soccer then whats happening right now. VMSL premier is better no question, but at the end of the day its complete shambles. Relegated teams just merge, short term good teams with money being tossed around. I would love to see a 10 team top League with each team having a 'CLUB'. like Surrey United, Metro Ford, maybe Vancouver Italia instead of Inter and Columbus etc. No club no premier team.

U21 players staying down there within the club until they are actually ready. Getting call-ups in between. This gives young players a real goal something they can see/touch. Whitecaps and pro just doesnt really happen but this gives a clear path. All these players jumping around, there is no culture no understanding of earning a spot. Id love to see the VMSL get off there high horse and see the bigger picture. It could be so much better. Even 2 to 3 different types of game balls in provincials looks bizarre to me. Its the little things.

Am I crazy or are there others seeing this. Its all so old school afraid of change. And its possible I dont care what anyone says about it not being able to work.


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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Quick question regarding the match: what happened for both teams to be down a man in OT?

The VMSL is definitely stuck in a rut off the pitch, no idea how someone like WAB can put up with it all - there are other guys I know that have gotten involved that I felt would help bring things into the 21st century but at the end of the day, nothing is going to change until one of them moves up the "front office" ladder.

The "super league" should happen, I was a proponent when it was first laid out, BUT it will never fly unless the "real" stakeholders, i.e., the teams and clubs from ALL leagues involved are consulted and even "coddled" if you will, right from the get-go.

There is an element of dis-trust out there, deservedly so IMHO, and the concept will get nowhere if the core executive of a new Super League proposal materializes from the current powers-that-be.

As for Vancouver Italia, there is a better chance of Aquilini and Gaglardi getting together I think :)


Active Member
May 31, 2010
Dirty Money
I would love to see a 10 team top League with each team having a 'CLUB'. like Surrey United, Metro Ford, maybe Vancouver Italia instead of Inter and Columbus etc. No club no premier team. U21 players staying down there within the club until they are actually ready. Getting call-ups in between. ... Am I crazy or are there others seeing this. Its all so old school afraid of change. And its possible I dont care what anyone says about it not being able to work.

No, you are not crazy; you think logically and rationally. But, unfortunately, there are some issues to deal with first in order for that to happen:
1) A lot of youth clubs simply do NOT want to have (deal with) adult soccer teams. Why? Maybe I can elaborate later on.
2) Current youth soccer system (and adult, of course) would need a complete reorganization. That would require one authority (should start with CSA and go down to all provinces) stepping in and enforcing that change. Impossible task in a country that generally cares only about hockey.
3) Pro teams (read Whitecaps) should not be allowed to dictate what is happening with youth and amateur soccer.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
Surrey had more quality but not really much between the teams. Personally I just see so much more potential in local amateur soccer then whats happening right now. VMSL premier is better no question, but at the end of the day its complete shambles. Relegated teams just merge, short term good teams with money being tossed around. I would love to see a 10 team top League with each team having a 'CLUB'. like Surrey United, Metro Ford, maybe Vancouver Italia instead of Inter and Columbus etc. No club no premier team.

Yes and no. The results speak for themselves. The level of play in the VMSL is superior to the other leagues. As for relegated teams merging, I haven't seen that happen for a long time. In fact the last merger I can think of was Surrey + Firefighters and that was ~5 years ago. I agree there is greater potential for local amateur soccer, but the VMSL is not what is hindering it. As an example I would say there is a huge opportunity for a well organized "premier" level summer league to succeed. You'd be far more likely to attract fans when the weather is good. You'd think that the PCSL would fill this role, but instead it seems to be on the decline with fewer teams and declining level of play every season.

U21 players staying down there within the club until they are actually ready. Getting call-ups in between. This gives young players a real goal something they can see/touch. Whitecaps and pro just doesnt really happen but this gives a clear path. All these players jumping around, there is no culture no understanding of earning a spot. Id love to see the VMSL get off there high horse and see the bigger picture. It could be so much better. Even 2 to 3 different types of game balls in provincials looks bizarre to me. Its the little things.
Am I crazy or are there others seeing this. Its all so old school afraid of change. And its possible I dont care what anyone says about it not being able to work.

How is it the VMSL's fault that players have no loyalty? Young players today have an attitude of entitlement. They all want to be playing Premier. Right now. Even if they don't understand the game well enough to be successful at that level. West Van FC seems to be one of the few clubs that have had a consistently good U-21 team recently and they do give opportunities to some of those players to play in Premier, but I think part of the reason it works for them is because of the tie in with their coaching staff to Cap College. Players have to be "in the program" so to speak. Unfortunately that model doesn't work for everyone else.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Streckman took a red in the second half for an off the ball incident. The other player took a yellow. It was on a free kick, pushing and shoving I think. couldnt tell what actually happened but seemed harsh. Langley took a second yellow in OT.

Dezza I'm not disagreeing with the results. Im not saying the VMSL isnt better, it is. Poco just joined with Columbus a year ago. and trust me there are premier teams scrambling right now, fact. My thing is go team to team every guy says the same thing, these young players don't get it, they have no culture, no passion and they just jump around from teams. Yes its a generational sense of entitlement. However its also a major disconnect between clubs and the youth and mens system. Head hunters are just out telling these young kids how great they are and offering $100 a goal to get them to sign on these fly by night teams. Of course these guys look at the coach benching them and say Fukc this.

Clubs with proper system bring players through and can help create a culture. The premier guys coaching the youth within the club, kids love that. Then they can go watch there coach play the following day. Guys to look up to and a level they can actually reach. Some clubs have that already. look at MetroFord. Im not blaming the VMSL, Im saying it could all be a lot better if people would stop saying look at the results or look how good we are. How about striving to be better, its stagnant.

In terms of summer, I 100% agree. It is beyond explanation that there is not a proper summer league. Without a ridiculous $10,000 entrance fee. We literally have nowhere to put our players. Its all bush league, when a summer afternoon is the perfect time to play a game or bring the son out to watch a high level.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
How is it the VMSL's fault that players have no loyalty? Young players today have an attitude of entitlement. They all want to be playing Premier. Right now. Even if they don't understand the game well enough to be successful at that level. West Van FC seems to be one of the few clubs that have had a consistently good U-21 team recently and they do give opportunities to some of those players to play in Premier, but I think part of the reason it works for them is because of the tie in with their coaching staff to Cap College. Players have to be "in the program" so to speak. Unfortunately that model doesn't work for everyone else.

Bang on point with this shout Dezza. Not sure where this sense of "I only want to play premier" came from but its a killer. 18 year old kids only want to play first team soccer and they will just bounce around from club to club until someone gives them what they want. Ironically its usually to their own detriment, why not play full minutes at a slightly lower level and DEVELOP your game. Baffling.

Another issue is cost. Turf time for practices and games is outrageous in Vancouver. Not to mention there is NO AVAILABILTY for adult soccer until 9pm. Plus now that f*%$ing Frisbee shite gets time on the weekends. Oh and it costs $150+ each game for referees (that for the most part we can all agree is unearned). Players no longer share costs evenly, instead teams are expected to pay players?? No idea where this money comes from. Sponsors seem to be harder and harder to find these days. I look at teams like Westside and Inter who tried to control their costs by playing on grass when they were in Div 1 and wonder how on earth they afford to put a team on the field every year. Those are two storied clubs in terms of the history of the VMSL and they both are in danger of not being able to exist based on the shear economics of football in the lower mainland. That's why its so nice to see Inter on a great cup run atm.

I don't think it can be any surprise that the CLUBS with youth programs are able to be the most consistent. CCB, Surrey Utd., Pegasus, West Van, Coquitlam. Its a cost savings, those teams all ready have turf times etc. and youth teams that can provide some semblance of a pipeline. Look at the teams that were in the most danger this year in the VMSL Chile, Westside, NorVan, Inter, Langley. They are all stand alone adult clubs as far as I am aware. Yes you can point to Croatia and Columbus as outliers to my theory, but for how much longer?

When you combine the costs and the inability to attract players, its a ominous outlook for many of these stand alone teams. I'm sure there are similar challenges in the VISL and FVSL as well. Soccer isn't what it was in the 80s and 90s so at some point, somewhere along the line, something is going to have to change. CSA, BC Soccer, league level or club level we need a revamping.


New Member
Sep 20, 2003
Dirty Money
I think that it is massively unfair to blame the kids. How can you ever blame someone for wanting to play at the top level. Its us older guys who should share the blame. The bottom line is that most of us want to play with our mates and that's it. Inter yesterday had guys driving from pitt meadows to play. Lets be honest he stays because that is where his mates are and he is loyal to them. He isn't a top player in the vmsl and is effective but I am sure that somewhere in Vancouver there is a 22yr old that could do his job as well or better.
Us old guys are reluctant to give up our spots and only want youth to supplement not replace us. It was the same for the generation before me too. When my youth team was old enough to go mens the team ahead of us only wanted a couple of us to not break up their own group. The reality was that we were better and had beat them consistently. This is the norm though and I doubt it will change any time soon.
Don't blame the kids because they are the solution not the problem. The reason things are stale is because there hasn't been enough change over. More of us old guys need to step aside and create strong clubs that graduate players into the senior ranks. How many teams hold meaningful tryouts with good numbers and have hard decisions at the end?
The reality is that the youth have limited opportunities and also want to stick together.
On another note how the hell can anyone in an amateur league be paid? Isn't that the opposite of amateur and against the rules. How can the league turn a blind eye to that.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Of course Youth is the answer. Our team North Delta has 10-11 players under 21. we finished 3 points out of first and had more then 13 guys at a game maybe twice. The point is our team is actually 90% North Delta products, we literally turned over a team that had been together for 10 years and gone stale. We dealt with a few tough rough years when all the young players were 18, now a bunch are 20-21 and starting to finish school. Sprinkling that with some older players and trying to add the top youth 18-19 year old each year.

Just playing with your mates and restraining the young players is what kills the game. But they should earn it and if possible have a little pride to actually play in there community. We also combined with our youth program and have 3-5 young premier players paid to coach in the system. I guarantee we become a top team in local soccer. I can't stop I wont stop. Back on topic VMSL is the best.


Active Member
Nov 14, 2011
Dirty Money
Bulljive - Chilliwack FC going through something similar. Very very young team and some kids coming through the pipeline with a sprinkling of vets during the transition. Some very difficult times, but the potential for prosper in the future is bright.

If we want amateur men's soccer to truly succeed the way forward is having a standards-based club system. Top teams must have A-B-C-D before they can get promoted. What qualities A-B-C-D are is up fo debate, but having a youth system behind you is a start.

I realize that's disrespectful to some of the clubs in Vancouver to say, who don't have youth systems but do have a history in the prem-Div 1 - so maybe you grandfather in the standards by saying "promoted teams must have...." etc etc.
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