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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Um, I am not involved at all, not anymore. I'm interested in a system that works for players and all parents. We don't have that.
No We don’t, but does this fix it? Rename a division and charge more for it?
I guess it apparently gives them a better opportunity for post secondary play but was that not happening from metro before SPL? Or are we saying the level of coaching and play is superior so the talent is better?
I’ll say talk amongst parents on sidelines has always been it’s just an excuse to charge more money but not necessarily the best players are there. And from talk from coaches, that’s true. Kids that are barely metro skilled are playing SPL because there are spots open and parents are willing to pay. Multi sport kids who should be there, and who are better skilled, aren’t going because of commitment. It doesn’t seem to be the best of the best.
Which I guess was metro anyways.

Having said that, I guess they do get all the players whose focus is soccer and want to commit and pay and sometimes that’s just as good. And if the instruction is top notch then it makes sense?

or is the focus strictly National teams development and not generic post secondary play? Or both?

Maybe I’m missing the point of SPL all together. Quite possible! Haha
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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
@Yoda all the answers you seek are in a discussion from Feb when the next wave of bcspl franchises were announced:

bcspl may have been started with good intentions, but it didn't take long for the charlatans, grifters, and leeches to move in and turn it into what it's become.

There are definitely still some quality coaches running teams in the league, and if you can find one that's great, but in general do your due diligence and make sure you are getting value for your money.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
bcspl may have been started with good intentions, but it didn't take long for the charlatans, grifters, and leeches to move in and turn it into what it's become.

There are definitely still some quality coaches running teams in the league, and if you can find one that's great, but in general do your due diligence and make sure you are getting value for your money.
Dezza, I agree, it was started with good intentions, but the changes you mention were not caused by grifters et al, they were caused by clubs outside HPL who wanted into HPL. They pressured the Districts and BCSA for years and 5 have now been added. I expect Golden Ears, or whatever it calls itself to become the 14th. In my limited time at BCSA and HPL I did see coaches raise their certifications and that probably resulted in better coaching for the players. Most of the best players were there and when two teams of equally strong players met then the games would be high level. Unfortunately that did not happen enough. It will happen less in the future because there are more clubs with teams in the league. I could go on about the fees, salaries of TD's etc, but instead I will go find P. Price and have a beer and a few laughs about the recent changes.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
@PV the problems for me started long before the current expansion process. It was setup as a closed system with no real punishment for failure. That breeds mediocrity, and unfortunately half of the original 6 lower mainland clubs are mediocre at best.

I know at the beginning there was a lot of talk about annual reviews and maintaining standards, but at least from my admittedly outsiders perspective, it appears there is currently no accountability on the part of the clubs/TDs


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Q: How much will the new kits cost?

A: VFC was originally scheduled to get new uniforms for the 2020/21 season. The new kits have a value of $500, however Fusion and VFC have agreed that $300 per player from existing VFC funds will be allocated to offset the cost of new kits, bringing the cost per player to approximately $200. This kit will include home and away game jerseys, shorts, socks as well as a tracksuit, bag and jerseys, shorts and socks for training.

Key word being value. I can see that.


Active Member
Jan 31, 2017
Dirty Money
The first domino to fall...

IMO, we should look at this as a plausible thing for many clubs. Why have 3-8 clubs in one city fighting over players, coaches, fields etc. One to two programs within a city or township. Represent where you live/grow up against others in the lower mainland trying to do the same instead of spreading recourses thin.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
@Regs, That I have no idea about. I would assume so, yes.

I've been very vocal about the costing model, so you can guess where I stand on this. It would appear to be involved in this Elite program, the costs to be involved are, base level, about $3500.00 before anything extra? Seem about right? Over the years have heard different figures, lowest being about $2500.00 just for fees. I've been told most families budget about $10K for a year. @dezza - seem about right?


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
All I know is that as a kid growing up, if the team wanted tracksuits and/or bags, we did car washes, bottle drives, etc to raise money for them. This mandatory extra kit buying/cost is what gets to me.

Training kit? Fcuk off, unnecessary! Good for the soccer suppliers though, great markup and margins.

I'm surprised they haven't thrown in mandatory monthly Glad garbage bags purchase to wear under jerseys during rainy season :rolleyes:

I'm dated, yes.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
All I know is that as a kid growing up, if the team wanted tracksuits and/or bags, we did car washes, bottle drives, etc to raise money for them. This mandatory extra kit buying/cost is what gets to me.

Training kit? Fcuk off, unnecessary! Good for the soccer suppliers though, great markup and margins.

I'm surprised they haven't thrown in mandatory monthly Glad garbage bags purchase to wear under jerseys during rainy season :rolleyes:

I'm dated, yes.

I'd say if you are playing an elite level, look elite, but also find a way to make the costs inclusive. Training shirt: basic cotton Ts. I did this every year for my players, one red, one white. Wear one to training, have other in bag. The costs were about $10-$15 each, nothing. We did a fundraiser at the Christmas party, just your basic stuff, covered all the extras. Players can wear their own technical layer underneath. Basic kits: never should there be an extra fee. Track suits: why not, as you stated, make it mandatory teams cover it however they want to cover it? Work for it, or whatever? I mean, good values, right? Like you said, we worked for it! We sold steaks door-to-door one year, FFS! Paid for a whole summer of tourneys.

Again, different time, dating myself.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Are we dating ourselves though? What’s wrong with Doing a team raffle/fundraiser. Why do we need the track top that costs $70 a piece, mandatory. We did one for our men’s team, raised over $2000 with very little effort. For me $10,000 budget is ridiculous. I can’t imagine this being realistic in top footballing nations. If it’s not on longer a small elite club, how can this continue to go on. It’s metro now after all isn’t it?

Clubs try and control everything. Where is the standard, more questions need to be asked. What’s being produced realistically? A scholarship at UFV? fcuk me, that’s high performance. That’s the big ticket. I can’t believe people think TDS deserve $130-160 grand. Half these guys were just ex whitecaps when whitecaps had second jobs.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
I think the average family is a lot busier these days. With multiple kids in multiple sports. Both parents working. It’s hard to commit to car washes and extras on top of the already demanding commitments of sports and life. I am sure lots of parents rather just give the money up front for the gear rather than harass their kids or spend days washing cars etc to get the funds.

I have two boys and between piano, hockey and soccer last year we were booked fully. Let alone trying to play still myself and stay fit as parents.

I still don’t get why we don’t copy what other countries in the world do when it comes to soccer. If you are a top 14 year old in Europe or South America do you pay to play?

The North American system sucks compared to the proven systems and cultures of South America and Europe.

perhaps kids need to sign contracts and if the caps want them they pay $3500.
or if they go to UNI, BC soccer pays up.
there has to be enough Rec kids in the province that register through BC soccer, add $5 a kid and there should be enough funds around no?
Just spitballing here. Haven’t given it to much thought. But a better system has to be out there to not have your top players have to pay to play so much.
And to have new gear every year is over kill. 4 years go by and you have jackets and tops everywhere. I know parents that have complained about the fees for gear. When their kids have the gear already! Another jacket? He still fits the ones from the last two years!


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
I think the average family is a lot busier these days. With multiple kids in multiple sports. Both parents working. It’s hard to commit to car washes and extras on top of the already demanding commitments of sports and life. I am sure lots of parents rather just give the money up front for the gear rather than harass their kids or spend days washing cars etc to get the funds.

I have two boys and between piano, hockey and soccer last year we were booked fully. Let alone trying to play still myself and stay fit as parents.

I still don’t get why we don’t copy what other countries in the world do when it comes to soccer. If you are a top 14 year old in Europe or South America do you pay to play?

The North American system sucks compared to the proven systems and cultures of South America and Europe.

perhaps kids need to sign contracts and if the caps want them they pay $3500.
or if they go to UNI, BC soccer pays up.
there has to be enough Rec kids in the province that register through BC soccer, add $5 a kid and there should be enough funds around no?
Just spitballing here. Haven’t given it to much thought. But a better system has to be out there to not have your top players have to pay to play so much.
And to have new gear every year is over kill. 4 years go by and you have jackets and tops everywhere. I know parents that have complained about the fees for gear. When their kids have the gear already! Another jacket? He still fits the ones from the last two years!

Do you even need to raise fees to fund the elite level? How much money is currently stashed in BC Soccer's bank account?


Active Member
Apr 18, 2019
Dirty Money
$120,000 less after that bs “consultative” report on player safety.

bc soccer should be funding the top two leagues With a reg fee for parents of $500 (as a commitment to participate)kit included....and the clubs look after the rest of the players, Gold and down with the gaming funds they get.... which are significant and should be used for grassroots and deepen the talent pool by giving all kids access to decent coaches and fields.

As it stands now the metro programs dominate the fields and coaches in most community clubs... which leaves the kids who need it most sweet fa.

In BC we have always focussed on the few.... and we produce none


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Jesus, forgot about the Gaming Grants. Those are indeed huge.

There has to be a way to flip this model on it's head, no?

Why couldn't there be 8 team Elite leagues, say for 13-17? One elite coach and his / her staff should be able to manage 3 squads, no? All games on the same day, scheduled to the same parks? After all, if these coaches / TDs are expecting to draw a salary in that range, they should be married to this game on the weekend and in season.

As you said, cap the fees at $500.00. That's reasonable. Clubs should have an open application format for low income families to apply for scholarships, and tie that scholarship to the child's grades in school. Must maintain a C+ average or something attainable.

I know the original concept of HPL was in fact smaller league, more cream rising to the top, but they killed it with the massive fees, and the requirement the kids specialize. All in all, asking too much.


Active Member
Apr 18, 2019
Dirty Money
Jesus, forgot about the Gaming Grants. Those are indeed huge.

There has to be a way to flip this model on it's head, no?

Why couldn't there be 8 team Elite leagues, say for 13-17? One elite coach and his / her staff should be able to manage 3 squads, no? All games on the same day, scheduled to the same parks? After all, if these coaches / TDs are expecting to draw a salary in that range, they should be married to this game on the weekend and in season.

As you said, cap the fees at $500.00. That's reasonable. Clubs should have an open application format for low income families to apply for scholarships, and tie that scholarship to the child's grades in school. Must maintain a C+ average or something attainable.

I know the original concept of HPL was in fact smaller league, more cream rising to the top, but they killed it with the massive fees, and the requirement the kids specialize. All in all, asking too much.

If BCSA dealt with top 2 leagues that’s 250 players approx in each age group from u12-u21..... that’s $125000 in reg fees alone for each age group.... that’s more than enough for them to subsidize the remainder.... it would also guarantee that purse strings would be monitored, including retarded kit costs when there’s thousands of kids kits being bought in bulk..... it should be a centralized program ran out of one hub..... scheduling is easier, as is scouting and direct communication to membership.

obviously there will be ebb and flow and movement up from House.... but that comes as a recommendation from someone who knows what talent identification and LTPD actually means..... because the House kids get someone who has the skill set to develop them properly.

deepen the pool..... and fruit will be born from the overflow


New Member
Dec 14, 2020
Dirty Money
And Metro is officially dead.

Due to a drop in registration in addition to an increase in BCSPL franchises, we will be compressing our divisions from four down to three. The primary intent is to ensure that all divisions are healthy and competitive. Currently, our divisional structure is:
• Metro
• Division 1
• Division 2
• Division 3

As of Sept 2021, our divisional structure will be:
• Division 1
• Division 2
• Division 3


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
How does it work with both BCSPL and BCCSL having the same General Manager? Does it make a difference?

I don't know what the role entails but just curious if it is optimal.

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