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BC Soccer AGM 2021 - Out of District


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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Don't know the exact details / ramifications, but I guess a big deal to some:

The out-of-district rule for youth soccer has been abolished.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
The newish prez is making lots of changes, some which previous administrations vehemently opposed. Hopefully the changes make it better for the players.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
How are you attributing this change to the president @PV? It's voted on by the membership. It was brought to a vote at an AGM a couple years back and got denied. Back then the majority of support for this change was from the island.

It definitely is a big deal as it neuters district boards who have long been the primary roadblock for new entries into the youth soccer system


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
I could be wrong, I do not have inside knowledge of the current board.
I met many former board members who would have worked behind the scenes to stop this change being approved at the AGM and also the change to allow more clubs into HPL.
During my time with youth soccer clubs, her club had teams with approved out of district players, so it would not be a stretch to suggest she might be supportive of the change. But i am using weasel language because i am not positive. Her club struck me as a club that was not afraid to try something new.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
i think we can call HPL metro again can’t we? But with ex VMSL players now lining their pocket as “pro” coaches.
That's exactly what's happened. I always found it odd to be creating this HPL league when one essentially already existed w/ Metro. We knew it would cannibalize Metro eventually, and it has. That's not necessarily a bad thing, just evolution of a development league. I did find it weird, though. They could have brought in this motion way back then and avoided having to do the whole HPL league start-up, but with 20/20 hindsight, easy to see that.

No apposed to good coaches making a living, either, as long as they are both qualified, and "good". "Good", difficult metric. I'd say mostly has to be ex-players, but some ex-players make shitty coaches, and there are some career coaches who made for shitty players. And yes, I feel like coaching fees need to be mainly subsidized by all the other divisions to keep the top level true for price point entry, but that's just me. Over the years that's been a hot topic here.

The Out of District thing was always a huge issue at the Metro Level, going back to when I was 15/16.

On principal, I'm not opposed to it, as I'm typical pro-competition.

At a board meeting, all it really takes is one or two clubs to load up the meeting with their membership that is in support of the motion, so it may not be driven by the board, but moreso by a club.

Other than that, I have no idea how this came about.

@Ballbaby , are you still alive and can comment?


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
broad strokes, the only people who give a shite about soccer for life and the recreational youth soccer players are the districts. the CSA has wanted rid of them for ages; they forget that from your grassroots clubs come your next Alphonso Davies' and Jordyn Huitema's.

Getting rid of the OOD rule will be the death of the small community clubs. The landscape will turn into about six super clubs and at least as many for profit academies, exactly none of which will care about the players who manage to get written off before they hit junior high.

End result will be a lot less kids choosing to play soccer, which actually hurts high performance at least as much as the local clubs - only the powers that be are too short-sighted to see it.

Too bad - there's a role for everyone if people would put their goddamn egos aside and realize that no one has the magic solution to "fixing" youth soccer in this province and that we're all better off if we work together from our own little corners of that world.

Rant over.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
broad strokes, the only people who give a shite about soccer for life and the recreational youth soccer players are the districts. the CSA has wanted rid of them for ages; they forget that from your grassroots clubs come your next Alphonso Davies' and Jordyn Huitema's.

Getting rid of the OOD rule will be the death of the small community clubs. The landscape will turn into about six super clubs and at least as many for profit academies, exactly none of which will care about the players who manage to get written off before they hit junior high.

End result will be a lot less kids choosing to play soccer, which actually hurts high performance at least as much as the local clubs - only the powers that be are too short-sighted to see it.

Too bad - there's a role for everyone if people would put their goddamn egos aside and realize that no one has the magic solution to "fixing" youth soccer in this province and that we're all better off if we work together from our own little corners of that world.

Rant over.
Great perspective. Never thought of it from the other angle.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
I'm not a fan of superclubs. However there are way too many shitty clubs managing to survive just because they have limited competition in their area, which they've maintained at the district level by blocking new clubs from getting sanctioned.

You don't have to look much further than Langley FC to see how bad it can get.

If this forces clubs to be better or die, then so be it. There's nothing to say you can't still run a small, community-based club that caters to a specific geographic region, and be successful doing it. The most important aspect will be field access, and that's something the municipalities need to manage.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
I'm not a fan of superclubs. However there are way too many shitty clubs managing to survive just because they have limited competition in their area, which they've maintained at the district level by blocking new clubs from getting sanctioned.

You don't have to look much further than Langley FC to see how bad it can get.

If this forces clubs to be better or die, then so be it. There's nothing to say you can't still run a small, community-based club that caters to a specific geographic region, and be successful doing it. The most important aspect will be field access, and that's something the municipalities need to manage.

In theory, maybe. In practice, team stability will take a hit with parents bailing for seemingly greener pastures at every turn. Burnaby parents, for instance, can bail in all four directions to different districts. Competitive balance will become a nightmare.

The bottom line is that when there is what I will call political upheaval, many kids and parents vote with their feet and just leave the game. If you want proof, look at what happened to the numbers at u18 when the BCSPL came in and basically blew up all the teams all the way down to bronze for one year of soccer. A huge number of those players just said fcuk it and left.

I think the Langley FC thing is sort of a red herring. Parents can move to different clubs within district, and if a club grows enough they get more influence on the district board. No small club is going to block district goings on if they're hemorrhaging players...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

The bottom line is that when there is what I will call political upheaval, many kids and parents vote with their feet and just leave the game. If you want proof, look at what happened to the numbers at u18 when the BCSPL came in and basically blew up all the teams all the way down to bronze for one year of soccer. A huge number of those players just said fcuk it and left.


That's a bad example. That age group is by far the toughest to retain players at, YOY. The retention has to be pretty low. Once they are 18, players are forced into U21, or trying to find a Men's team to transition to, with established players mostly unwilling to take on abnormally horny kids still leaving socks underneath the bed for mom to clean up on laundry day. No more segregation of divisions for their age groups.

What you are saying isn't wrong, but at the end of the day, a "desired" club still only has a limited capacity to fill spots. You can't just keep adding teams, unless those teams come w/ coaches, etc.. Then you need assurances from the club that they'll have fields and gear for you. Way easier said than done.

I moved a team from CCB to Surrey United many years ago. I had all the internal infrastructure and players in place, and it was still a bloody headache for the club. And, this issue of players hopping around clubs? Happens all the time in Surrey / Langley. When I had girls that had reached a point of being too good for our div 2 team, and the Div 1 coach would not drop weaker players down to me to facilitate the promotion, I sent them to Coastal try-outs, and usually they'd make that next level. In some cases leap-frog two levels. I have no idea how the boundaries were supposed to work, but there was never an issue at the lower levels. I can't see this being a major issue, more like a minor issue. But....I guess now we'll find out.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
@mtkb I didn't mean Langley FC were the ones blocking others -- I don't know if anyone else ever tried to start a new Langley club. It just seemed to me that because the only choices in Langley were them or Langley United, by default they got a lot of players registered, and provided them with a very shitty product.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
@mtkb I didn't mean Langley FC were the ones blocking others -- I don't know if anyone else ever tried to start a new Langley club. It just seemed to me that because the only choices in Langley were them or Langley United, by default they got a lot of players registered, and provided them with a very shitty product.
Didn't mean to suggest you were, and I was using that more as a general example than a comment on the Langley situation specifically.

To @Dude's points - 1) I was talking relative to the normal attrition at u18 - the change was still significant. 2) We're having a friendly chat about the issue on a philosophical level and still finding disagreement. Now imagine parents actually in the middle of it, dealing with coaches and or administrators protecting their own little fiefdoms. Trust me, there's not a world in which additional OOD movement doesn't significantly fcuk things up for kids who just want to kick a ball around once or twice a week as part of a team...


Active Member
Jan 25, 2019
Dirty Money
@mtkb I didn't mean Langley FC were the ones blocking others -- I don't know if anyone else ever tried to start a new Langley club. It just seemed to me that because the only choices in Langley were them or Langley United, by default they got a lot of players registered, and provided them with a very shitty product.
Can easily substitute Langley with Richmond, and it wasn't until 2021 did Richmond get a 2nd district club as an alternate option for both genders.

Protectionism is never the answer. Let the club quality both in program and organizational management speak for itself.


Active Member
Apr 18, 2019
Dirty Money
Richmond FC and Langley FC have boatloads in common when it comes to unethical boards and the shadiest decisions ever made in youth soccer…..with zero oversight by BCSA or anybody else for that matter. fcuk the societies act!!

I wish for the love of Hay Zeus that someone would have the nutsack to make the shadow people accountable instead of praising them for their volunteerism.

IMO The Packenhan Cup should matter, but it should also be played by those worthy

The FVSL needs demolition and rebuild


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
they did this in youth Fastpitch years ago and it hasn’t made things better at all. It’s just weakened the league and clubs.
Now they have clubs struggling to field competitive teams, or teams at all, and full teams leaving clubs to join other clubs when they can’t get what they want or are unhappy about something.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Didn't mean to suggest you were, and I was using that more as a general example than a comment on the Langley situation specifically.

To @Dude's points - 1) I was talking relative to the normal attrition at u18 - the change was still significant. 2) We're having a friendly chat about the issue on a philosophical level and still finding disagreement. Now imagine parents actually in the middle of it, dealing with coaches and or administrators protecting their own little fiefdoms. Trust me, there's not a world in which additional OOD movement doesn't significantly fcuk things up for kids who just want to kick a ball around once or twice a week as part of a team...
That's really the more important point here. I'd say maybe 75-80% of soccer families could care less about the politics or level their kid plays at. Most have their kids there for participation reasons, not competitive reasons.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Richmond FC and Langley FC have boatloads in common when it comes to unethical boards and the shadiest decisions ever made in youth soccer…..with zero oversight by BCSA or anybody else for that matter. fcuk the societies act!!

I wish for the love of Hay Zeus that someone would have the nutsack to make the shadow people accountable instead of praising them for their volunteerism.

IMO The Packenhan Cup should matter, but it should also be played by those worthy

The FVSL needs demolition and rebuild
Sounds like you have blended two posts for two different threads into one reply.

The FVSL is already demolished. It's now the TMSL.

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