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CSA Circus

Franz Bakingpowder

New Member
Aug 1, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm having a bit of a moan here, but please tell me if I'm wrong:

I help coach a U-18 Boys Metro team, and 4 of our players who are involved with the National training center twice a week arrived at training Thursday night telling us they can't play in our League game Sunday because they have to play for the "Training Centre".

The National training centre have put on 3 games for the weekend to assess players. One on Friday night, one on Saturday, and one on Sunday at 11:30 AM. Well, we kick off with our team for a league game at noon! Do you think anyone from the CSA Training centre called us to ask if this was ok? Nope! They just informed the players to be there!

We've now had to cancel our game because we don't have enough players to field a team because we've lost these 4 players. What a joke! The reason behind the 3 game marathon is that they've got some WOMEN'S National team coach coming in to Vancouver and he'd like to see them play. Why does he have to see them play when Derek Possee is the Head Coach of this team? Do they really require 3 games all on one weekend to assess these players when they train at the training centre twice a week? I'd understand if the team was preparing to travel somewhere, or if they were preparing for a tournament, but they aren't. Why doesn't the CSA send people out to watch these players playing on the weekends?

With pillicks like these running Canadian Soccer, you wonder why we aren't successful! Who's running this Circus??



Active Member
Dec 1, 2001
Dirty Money
Good point!!

Franz good point but when I was involved with the training center between 91-94 we were training 4 times a week Mon, Wed, Fri and Sat, so by the game on Sun we were dead. But Bruce Twamley and Chris Bennet were always good about the club first thing.

BTW if you coach boys why is a Womens coach coming to see them play? The CSA thats why we are 92nd in the world.

Hopefully we can beat Haiti tonight.

Franz all the best!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Club Soccer is Important


Zenga is right about the past years and club soccer and I couldn't agree more that players at the NTC must be encouraged to play their club games.

To me extra work on skill development with good coaches and players is great as are the games at the NTC. But, this must still be combined with a player making a top contribution to the success of their club side. I have seen some talented skilled players who are great against weaker opponents but who are invisible in games where their team has to find a way to win against top teams. The really good players at any level are those people who have the vision, skill and ability to create winning plays. To me this is done at the club level where one of the measures is the players individual contribution, over the season, to team success.

Postponing games is crap because it affects all players and two teams. The weather here affects enough games without this.
You are certainly right to be pissed.

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