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Home Gym: Treadmills


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Status Update:

208 today, almost there.

Fitness wise, completed the 60-part series today ending with my first 5K in decades :)

30 Minutes was my time, it's a start and I'll take it to work off of.

Personal Rewards:

View attachment 30648

Giddy Up.
Jesus @Regs - well done! So you have gone from ~240 down to 208 lbs? Seriously?

When I talk to people in the running community, almost always they say, well, you played soccer, this should be easy.

They don't get it.

When we were kids, like 16-25 range, running a 5KM test in under 20 minutes was easy. As we get older and training in the game, you gain more muscle, more bulk, and train specifically for the game. A good 10KM runner does not make a good footballer, we all know this. A good footballer who can play strong through 90 minutes does not make a good 10 KM runner.

Then, add up all the wear and tear injuries. That's the big thing, the injuries make it hard to even get out the door. That's one reason I ride so bloody much. First, I love it, second, way, way less wear and tear. Running still has a lot of wear and tear.

It takes me ~30 minutes JUST TO WARM UP! My runs are all done at less than 10 KPH for the first 20 minutes (maybe 8 KPH), then I ramp up pace for the next 10, and it's comfortably / uncomfortable, and then, magically, at 30 minutes, my HR drops into the low aerobic rage, and my feet feel lighter. For the next 20-30 minutes, it's all in the 11-14 KPH range depending on nature of the session and intervals....but no way, and I mean, NO WAY, can I now come out of the gate cold and run 5 KM under 30. It's just not happening.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Well done!

Speaking of , it was anything but for my first Brisket on the Side Bitch today. Yes that's what I named the smoker.
Started it off at 3am. Smoked at 225 for 12 hrs followed by 2 hour rest wrapped in foil and a towel laying in a closed cooler.

Advanced apologise if you see this and it causes any setbacks @Regs

That's it, I'm firing up my Louisiana this weekend. I (honesty) need to babysit mine. Last time we did it overnight, it attracted a bear. Luckily, said bear wasn't too keen on the heat. But, fcuk me, that just looks too good.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Jesus @Regs - well done! So you have gone from ~240 down to 208 lbs? Seriously?

When I talk to people in the running community, almost always they say, well, you played soccer, this should be easy.

They don't get it.

When we were kids, like 16-25 range, running a 5KM test in under 20 minutes was easy. As we get older and training in the game, you gain more muscle, more bulk, and train specifically for the game. A good 10KM runner does not make a good footballer, we all know this. A good footballer who can play strong through 90 minutes does not make a good 10 KM runner.

Then, add up all the wear and tear injuries. That's the big thing, the injuries make it hard to even get out the door. That's one reason I ride so bloody much. First, I love it, second, way, way less wear and tear. Running still has a lot of wear and tear.

It takes me ~30 minutes JUST TO WARM UP! My runs are all done at less than 10 KPH for the first 20 minutes (maybe 8 KPH), then I ramp up pace for the next 10, and it's comfortably / uncomfortable, and then, magically, at 30 minutes, my HR drops into the low aerobic rage, and my feet feel lighter. For the next 20-30 minutes, it's all in the 11-14 KPH range depending on nature of the session and intervals....but no way, and I mean, NO WAY, can I now come out of the gate cold and run 5 KM under 30. It's just not happening.
Thanks @Dude !

The last month or so has been "tough" mentally as I still hit the scale daily and track... the weight isn't coming off in the same manner as when I started (though clothes fit WAYYY differently)... plateaus and all that, actually gain weight for a couple/few days and then 3 days straight drop a pound each day. Rinse and repeat.

Yeah, when you're younger, you don't really pay attention to this stuff. I was a cross country runner in my teens and REALLY skinny as a rail. Early 20s and I developed tree trunks for legs as most of us did from daily soccer :)

The biggest thing for me so far has been getting past the old injuries flaring up - other than that bit at first where I had to stop, mission accomplished.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Honestly, at this point, if you focus on eating well and getting to a good consistency w/ an hour in aerobic HR zones 4-5 days a week, and don't weigh yourself, you'll probably find yourself under 200 in 30 more days.

I've been trying to get down to a weight I haven't seen since maybe early 2000. For a few weeks it was not moving, then 3 weeks in a row, significant decreases.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
I like the look of that piece of machinery Regs. What are reviews like? Currently have Bands, bowflex weights, chin up bar, spin bike. I’ve had my eye on a https://zenogym.com/

Really it’s a bench with band attachments. I find the bands a bitch in the doorways. Rips the frame to shreds. I like that machine though. Will need to look into that.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I like the look of that piece of machinery Regs. What are reviews like? Currently have Bands, bowflex weights, chin up bar, spin bike. I’ve had my eye on a https://zenogym.com/

Really it’s a bench with band attachments. I find the bands a bitch in the doorways. Rips the frame to shreds. I like that machine though. Will need to look into that.
I've seen positive reviews... the only cons I've seen are related to the amount of resistance the magnetic flywheel can go up to. But that's not an issue for my use case, I'm not interested in doing anything past it's max.

TBH, I've bought into the whole iFit thing as it has been my motivation saviour - once you find a trainer you can relate to, it's hard to stop. The dude I follow all the time has plenty of workouts for the CST so I'm fairly certain that I won't get value out of it and will hit my goals if/when I pick it up.

I've looked at other "machines" but I just keep coming back to the trainer-led video programs.

Re: zenogym

Haven't seen that... but I can tell you love MILFs. No?



Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Love them. She comes with the bench no? My issue is it’s about $300 in shipping/fees to bring it to Canada currently, no thanks. Can’t imagine the cost of her once she gets here.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
I would agree with Dude and add some extra emphasis on the consistency. Find something sustainable and knock that shite out every day, every week, every month and you will get results.
My chair job and logging 8+ hours in it has fcuked my body. I bought a squat rack and benches barbels and some dumbbells and they have been a godsend. Added a weekly 30k mtn bike loop into the forest and this past weekend was at week 25 in a row. The 212 of shitty weight at the beginning of last Sept is 197 today without changing beer drinking I mean diet too much.
It is nice to get some results and it is definitely a way too escape the grind were in. I want to reintroduce running but that will depend on my SI-joint wanting to be part of the program. Best part is that i can put my mouthy teenaged son with his 16yr old hormones in his place with 315 racked on the bar and not just have to say wait until you are 50...


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
@Regs what are you doing diet wise? Just cleaner eating, whole foods? Are you doing Keto or Paleo?

I'm just back into it. I did opt for Peloton Cycle. I'm already feeling better with 7 days of clean(er) eating and 4 rides in 3 days. I did keto diet without the exercise (aside from walking golf courses) two summers ago and shed around 20 lbs over 3 months.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Eating clean is the biggest immediate gain anyone can make, I find for me, and typically guys like us, the discipline to eat healthy is the hardest. I can smash out 15 hour training weeks all year long, but if there is a bag of chocolate chips in the house, I'll eat it. I've definitely gotten better, and see results, but I also fall right off that wagon with barely a small nudge.

As kids and young adults, we had the benefit of being in a training mindset nearly all year long. We could drink a lot of beer, and still maintain a relatively high fitness level. I know for me, I did not build in good eating discipline as a footballer. Tuesday and Thursday night training sessions were followed by an hour or two of pinting, then a trip to Fatburger on the way home for a fat kid special. If I have a burger now, I will reward myself with a really good one, Splitz or something.

When I'm working in town, when I go for a mountain bike ride, I have to plan my route back to the condo to miss FiveGuys. If I drive by, it's like autopilot. Same with White Spot, must avoid. Last week I got into the condo- my kid had been using it- and in the cupboard was a box of assorted chocolate bars. I had three (3) Three Musketeers for dinner. Gobbled them all down.

There has to be a better way of writing that, but there you go.

Honestly, putting a temp hold on booze has been the easiest, but fcuk man, I do miss a nice, ice cold beer on those Friday and Saturday afternoons.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
The day I don't enjoy an ice cold beer on a Friday or Saturday afternoon is the day I die.

I pop a gummie and chill out. Or one of those TCH drinks. But still, not the same. Who am I kidding, not even remotely close. If I hit 170 lbs (176 now), I may reward myself with a few by the Bar-B-Q, but really, it's restriction lifting day I'm aiming for. I don't know where I'll wake up. Vegas, maybe Mexico.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
I pop a gummie too. ;)

Let's do Vegas AND Mexico.

I was going to buy a new elliptical to replace the one I broke, but my kid and his girlfriend are living in my Games room now.
While the other kid has his girlfriend over 5 nights a week and is a part of the family too it seems.

Loving this empty nest thing. :rolleyes:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Those Ross boys are pollinating. Earplugs for sure. When mini Dude has birds over, it's not so comfortable around the house. Mrs. Dude puts them right in her sights, and they are all intimidated by her. Pretty funny.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
@Regs what are you doing diet wise? Just cleaner eating, whole foods? Are you doing Keto or Paleo?

I'm just back into it. I did opt for Peloton Cycle. I'm already feeling better with 7 days of clean(er) eating and 4 rides in 3 days. I did keto diet without the exercise (aside from walking golf courses) two summers ago and shed around 20 lbs over 3 months.
Biggest thing for me was (1) cutting back pints, like pretty much completely except the odd one kilkenny and that's it (2) cutting out all fast food (3) cutting out all junk food for the most part - this was/is the toughest for me.

I've been doing intermitten fasting this whole time 16/8 - I eat during an 8 hour window between Noon and 8PM... black coffee in the mornings (lots) keeps the hunger pangs away.

My first meal (lunch) is pretty consistent - yogurt, fruit melon chunks, and a Boost protein drink. Sometimes that is replaced with a can of stagg dynamite hot chilli :)

Dinner is whatever the wife says it is - she's an awesome cook so almost always healthy stuff, lots of cooked and raw vegetables... I've cut out all dips / condiments too.

I don't measure portions or anything but kinda eyeball it if I'm eating something that doesn't have readily available nutritional facts. At first I set a daily goal of under 1500 calories intake TOTAL... met it very consistently... when the weight loss plateaued a bit, I changed it up to 1620 calories daily to get my body to respond differently.

I use https://www.myfitnesspal.com/ to track everything.

Not into the whole macro nutrient shite (yet) but will probably try and study it a bit when I ready to start seriously looking to reduce the body fat percentage.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
As kids and young adults, we had the benefit of being in a training mindset nearly all year long. We could drink a lot of beer, and still maintain a relatively high fitness level. I know for me, I did not build in good eating discipline as a footballer. Tuesday and Thursday night training sessions were followed by an hour or two of pinting, then a trip to Fatburger on the way home for a fat kid special. If I have a burger now, I will reward myself with a really good one, Splitz or something.
I can better that - I would show up for training with a KFC spicy big crunch and wolf it down in the changeroom before training started... almost every session :)


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
Here is what I have learned over the last bunch of years on health, diet, and the outcome of weight.

First, for all of us aging athletes (and most people in general), systemic inflation is a key to be avoided. I am not talking about just swelling after exercise, but your innards, especially your gut. A lot of us have a gluten sensitivity of some kind. You can spot it easily, especially in soccer players. The legs and arms are strong (not fat), but you get the beer gut and the additional chins/fat faces. Gluten tends to load in those two areas the most. Those skinny guys that can eat and drink whatever they like do not have this issue. Completely cutting out gluten will make a BIG difference to your shape, weight and pain if you are sensitive. Gluten not only puts on the weight, but it causes internal inflammation, especially in your intestines which causes a bunch of issues.

I had always wondered how in my 30s I would go away on a long weekend with the guys, swilling beer non stop (also tending to eat pizza, pasta, and bread). On the last day fo the weekend, I would have my first beer of the day and feel like I had drank a dozen (from a bloated perspective). My stomach would be sticking out, swollen like crazy. But, after 3-4 days at home not drinking, I shrank back down. Gluten was the culprit.

Next thing I learned was to "listen" to my body. It always talks to you, but I would pass it off, saying, "I've always been like that". Turns out I have had a wicked dairy allergy my whole life. I knocked it out in support of my wife's elimination diet. When I did, I stopped snotting, snoring, farting and could breathe out of both nostrils (something I have never been able to do).

Anyhoo, I learned other things that were tough on me (after spending a lot of money at naturopaths, etc.). Then, one day, I read a piece on eating for your blood type. Turns out O- typically has issues with gluten and dairy and a few other things. Had I read that way back, I could have saved myself a fortune in medical. I am not sure that it is the answer for everyone, but it was shocking how it was 100% bang on for me.

Now, with gluten and dairy out, I lost 25 pounds, don't snore, can breathe better and have much less inflammation and pain everywhere.

Oh yeah, not that I am good on this, but if you eat many small portions, your metabolism is always going and you can eat more overall, and lose weight. But, you need to be traveling around with healthy snacks all the time.

Now, I just need to figure out a cure for being an assh0le.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Here is what I have learned over the last bunch of years on health, diet, and the outcome of weight.

First, for all of us aging athletes (and most people in general), systemic inflation is a key to be avoided. I am not talking about just swelling after exercise, but your innards, especially your gut. A lot of us have a gluten sensitivity of some kind. You can spot it easily, especially in soccer players. The legs and arms are strong (not fat), but you get the beer gut and the additional chins/fat faces. Gluten tends to load in those two areas the most. Those skinny guys that can eat and drink whatever they like do not have this issue. Completely cutting out gluten will make a BIG difference to your shape, weight and pain if you are sensitive. Gluten not only puts on the weight, but it causes internal inflammation, especially in your intestines which causes a bunch of issues.

I had always wondered how in my 30s I would go away on a long weekend with the guys, swilling beer non stop (also tending to eat pizza, pasta, and bread). On the last day fo the weekend, I would have my first beer of the day and feel like I had drank a dozen (from a bloated perspective). My stomach would be sticking out, swollen like crazy. But, after 3-4 days at home not drinking, I shrank back down. Gluten was the culprit.

Next thing I learned was to "listen" to my body. It always talks to you, but I would pass it off, saying, "I've always been like that". Turns out I have had a wicked dairy allergy my whole life. I knocked it out in support of my wife's elimination diet. When I did, I stopped snotting, snoring, farting and could breathe out of both nostrils (something I have never been able to do).

Anyhoo, I learned other things that were tough on me (after spending a lot of money at naturopaths, etc.). Then, one day, I read a piece on eating for your blood type. Turns out O- typically has issues with gluten and dairy and a few other things. Had I read that way back, I could have saved myself a fortune in medical. I am not sure that it is the answer for everyone, but it was shocking how it was 100% bang on for me.

Now, with gluten and dairy out, I lost 25 pounds, don't snore, can breathe better and have much less inflammation and pain everywhere.

Oh yeah, not that I am good on this, but if you eat many small portions, your metabolism is always going and you can eat more overall, and lose weight. But, you need to be traveling around with healthy snacks all the time.

Now, I just need to figure out a cure for being an assh0le.
It's amazing that I always feel better when the gluten has been chopped down. I'm not sure I can imagine a life without dairy though... I'm not a sweets guy, but good vanilla ice cream is my jam. I don't drink milk, but I love my good cheeses and I'd have a hard time not having cream in my coffee

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