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Le Bout de Tête


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Feel free to discuss anything and everything regarding the details surrounding The Zidane Affair.

Why'd he do it? What did/didn't Materazzi say? Was a nipple pinched? If so, which nipple? Was there bruising?

First off, Materazzi seems a little daft:
Materazzi denies calling Zidane 'terrorist'

ROME, July 10 (Reuters) - Italy defender Marco Materazzi on Monday denied a report that he had called Zinedine Zidane a 'dirty terrorist' seconds before the French captain head-butted him in Sunday's World Cup final.

'It is absolutely not true, I did not call him a terrorist. I'm ignorant. I don't even know what the word means,' the Italian news agency Ansa quoted Materazzi as saying after the Italian team returned to Rome.

Full article.
Give me a break. Although don't know what was or wasn't said, his response is ridiculous in the extreme. He doesn't know what "terrorist" means? Puh - leese.


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Materazzi refused to answer questions afterwards, though Materazzi's agent Claudio Vigorelli said: "I've known Marco for a long time and I don't think he is capable of provoking a player. He is a good boy."

BBC article.
Uh-huh. :rolleyes:


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New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Another thought regarding the head-butt is that the Argentinian referee certainly showed FIFA how such conduct should be handled. I hope the ref from the Portugal/Netherlands game was taking notes.

Even though it was his last game (barring any Jordan-esque come-out-of-retirement comeback), I'll be interested what sort of suspension FIFA hands out.


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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2001
Dirty Money
I was impressed how fast the retard got up. Usually the Itals stay on the ground and roll for a few minutes. But kudos to matteraztiatiaizi he got right back up on his feet. So Zidane couldn't have hit him that hard!!! :D


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
"I did insult him, it's true," Materazzi said in Tuesday's Gazzetta dello Sport. "But I categorically did not call him a terrorist.

Zidane and Materazzi exchanged words in extra-time of Sunday's final in Berlin. Seconds later, Zidane lowered his head and rammed Materazzi in the chest, knocking him to the ground. Zidane was ejected from the match.

"I held his shirt for a few seconds only, then he turned round and spoke to me, sneering," the Italian defender told the newspaper. "He looked me up and down, arrogantly and said: 'If you really want my shirt, I'll give it to you afterwards.'"

The 32-year-old Inter Milan player did not elaborate on exactly what he said to Zidane.

"It was one of those insults you're told tens of times and that always fly around the pitch," he said.

The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
to continue on with what was said "allegedly"

Theories have abounded as to what Materazzi might have said to provoke such a response and the former Everton defender conceded he did make an offensive remark. "I held his shirt for a few seconds only, then he turned to me and talked to me, jeering," said Materazzi. "He looked at me with a huge arrogance and said, 'If you really want my shirt I'll give it to you afterwards'. I replied with an insult, that's true."

Materazzi has not elaborated on what he did say, but one report suggested he responded with: "I'd rather take the shirt off your wife." He has, however, denied that he insulted Zidane's mother or called the son of Algerian immigrants a terrorist. A lip reader employed by the BBC claimed Materazzi said: "I wish an ugly death to you and all your family," and then told Zidane to "go fcuk yourself". Paris-based anti-racism group, SOS-Racism, had earlier said that "several very well informed sources" suggested Zidane was called a "dirty terrorist".

the manager

New Member
Sep 29, 2002
Dirty Money
it's a shame to see a champion player like Zidane go out this way. it's also disappointing that sport in general at the professional level (or any level) often employs such schoolyard tactics as insulting others.



Active Member
Dec 1, 2001
Dirty Money
Its funny Totti spit on a guy in Euro and he his a villian. Nobody once mentioned maybe the Danish player said something to him on the pitch.

Zidane head butts Materazzi like a cheap **** and Materazzi is to blame. Come on people give your head a shake.

Zidane was class after seeing this he is a loser. No excuse for what he did.


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
zenga said:
Its funny Totti spit on a guy in Euro and he his a villian. Nobody once mentioned maybe the Danish player said something to him on the pitch.

Zidane head butts Materazzi like a cheap **** and Materazzi is to blame. Come on people give your head a shake.

Zidane was class after seeing this he is a loser. No excuse for what he did.

well put...I agree with Zenga.

we should burn that Algerian terrorists on a stake!!!!!
Sep 28, 2002
Dirty Money
zenga said:
Its funny Totti spit on a guy in Euro and he his a villian. Nobody once mentioned maybe the Danish player said something to him on the pitch.

Zidane head butts Materazzi like a cheap **** and Materazzi is to blame. Come on people give your head a shake.

Zidane was class after seeing this he is a loser. No excuse for what he did.

Us give our head a shake? There's nothing lower in any sport than spitting in someones face.
If there has ever been a case of apples and figs, but I digress!
Your only arguement, in the Totti spitting incident, is that the Danish player "maybe " said something. If memory serves me correct, the spit, loogy, gob, hork came courtesy of a rash challenge. I have yet to make my own, unbiased, decision on the head butt. We know something was said, but WHAT? However, if I had to choose between someone approaching me and head butting me in the chest over a loogy of phlegm all over my face, it wouldn't be a difficult choice.
I like to call things as they are zenga. There's more chance of me understanding what Zidane did than trying to understand why Rooney had to stamp on someone, whether or not it's what got him sent off. He (Rooney)was hardly provoked, where as Zidane most certainly was. I'll, most certainly, never understand why one would spit at someone. There are certain countries in which that would never happen.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Why are all the wops so angry? You won. Let it go. Zidane blew his lid and put a * on his legendary career it’s punishment enough. The Ref’s dealt with it appropriately at the time and the right call was made. It should be done. But while you're getting wood for the fire don't forget the fact Materazzi lacks class too. Now, obviously, he didn’t batter anyone with his dome, but by no means is he not at least partially to blame if not completely.

I’ll go collect Figo and pick up some marshmallows.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
I hate to disagree but with fifa trying to remove racism from the game and with all the religious and racist tensions going on in the world right now he may have crossed the line. Zidane deserves the red card but to say he is just suppose to turn the other cheek and walk away is a bit much. Most of the people who seem to be saying this are white sports casters and news reporters who do not get the special treatment going through customs and the extra looks everywhere they go. Probably the same guys who threw bananas when the first black players started playing in England. If I heard a comment like what is speculated as being said, (yes I know it is not confirmed), I would probably bury my cleats in the dirty wop myself:D (kidding, just playing with irony). His own team mates can't be proud of him and neither should he be proud of the way he conducted himself.

We probably will never know what was actually said but I cannot lose respect for Zidane if he was reacting to an idiots ignorant comments.

One white mans opinion.


Active Member
Dec 1, 2001
Dirty Money
KNVB, Im not angry I couldnt be happier. Italia is World Champions so for the next 3 years 363 days I will reminding everybody of the fact.

At the end of the day what ever Materazzi or Zidane said on the pitch Italia is the best footballing nation in the world.

Forza Matrix!


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
There is not a scintilla of doubt that Matterazzi, following the grab of Zidane's shirt, said something that really crossed the line between trash talking and disgusting. However, what Zidane did with his head butt was to forget why he was on that field in Berlin on Sunday and what the goal of the day was and his responsibility to his team especially as a captain.

As much as you want to see the guy go out with class, this was nothing more than a selfish moment on Zidane's part that will make him better known for that than winning the Golden Ball award for top player - not to mention his other great moments in the game at the international and professional levels. I feel sorry for the guy as he must now live with this as his departure from the world stage. What a sad way to tarnish a great legacy and career.

Racism exists at times even in youth soccer and I have had that occur with youth teams in div. one and players from India, Namibia, Trinidad and Tobago and El Salvador. As one of the victims of that crap said to our players was to forget it because they were going to get that stuff all season simply because this was a good team. The key was that the players didn't let that crap deter them from playing to win no matter what they heard.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2001
Dirty Money
zenga said:
KNVB, Im not angry I couldnt be happier. Italia is World Champions so for the next 3 years 363 days I will reminding everybody of the fact.

At the end of the day what ever Materazzi or Zidane said on the pitch Italia is the best footballing nation in the world.

Forza Matrix!

Spot on Zenga... spot on...

However, it seems that Zizu now cannot stop :D... poor Castro



New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
How about this theory....

Zidane wanted out of the game. Period.

He obviously was fueding with the coach as we saw in previous games.

Zidane tried to pull himself from the game earlier when he apparently hurt his shoulder and asked for a sub. We all saw him look to the bench and twirl his fingers.

The coach doesnt take him out, so he takes himself out.

just a theory.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
What's making me sick during all this are all the Italians coming to the defense of Matterazzi. Nobody is excusing Zidane for the foul, but it seems every time I log on here, or listen to the radio, there is yet another Italian supporter fumbling his way through another excuse. I can't agree w/ KNVB more: you got your win, now be humble, and show some class.

Yeah, we've all been on the pitch, and a lot gets said. But, how can anyone, especially another ethnic minority, justify crossing the line the way Matterazzi is reported to have done? He's in the papers now saying how Zidane looked at him arrogantly and offered his shirt after the match, if he really wanted it that bad. That is well below the radar of acceptable banter on the field. Really, no big deal.

But, if Matterazzi at some point did call Zidane the "Dirty son of an Algerian Terrorist", or something along those lines, well, that, in these days and times, is called long-jumping over the line of acceptable banter. A few years back, about 3 months past the 911 bombings, we had an opponent who called out to one of my players, who was dark skinned, and had the appearance of being Arabian, "Watch out for #10 or he'll fly a plane into your house." My player's parents were on the sideline, and heard the whole thing. His dad is a white Italian, his mum a black Zimbabwean. Rick showed amazing restraint to diffuse what was about to become a full out brawl. Had his parents not been in attendance, I can almost guarantee he'd have lost it. Just because racism exists doesn't mean that it should be practiced.

Should Zidane have snapped? No. In his shoes, would I have not snapped? I can lie and say I would have shown restraint, but honestly I can't say I would. And, any of you out there known for your intensity on the pitch would be lying if you claimed you can guarantee that you wouldn't react the same way in the face of a racial slur. The human element of the game will always exist, and so will the lower quality a person like Matterazzi who will chose to take advantage of it, and expose it.

And, as far as the snappage goes, let's be honest here...it was ugly on TV mostly because it involved a head butt. That said, it wasn't really a dangerous head butt (had it been to the nose, could have been very, very bad). There was no injury, just an awkward stumble. It's the timing of the incident, and the appearance, that will cause this incident to follow Zidane around for the rest of his life. If it had been a nasty tackle from behind w/ a red, would he be getting the same attention? Probably not as much, even though often the injuries from tackles from behind are legitimate, and often severe. The result would have been the same: red card, and France losing their biggest threat to finish it off in the final 3 minutes, and a sure goal in PKs. There certainly wouldn't be an impromptu video game made of the incident the day after, because nasty tackles are common place. As far as blatant assaults go, we've all seen a lot worse, even in this WC.

Now, I heard one guy say, too, that when he was watching the game, and saw the incident, that he inwardly cheered and said to himself, "Good, now go out and do that to the other 10 cheating cnuts." The Italians don't endear themselves to the rest of the world's fans because of the play acting. That's the difference between a player like Zidane, and Matterazzi: Zidane endears himself to fans of the game for his style, skill, intensity, and leadership. Although his moment of idiocy will plague him forever, Matterazzi will be linked to him, and known as a cowardly racist. Yeah, he may have a World Cup under his belt, but is it worth it?


New Member
Jun 3, 2003
Dirty Money
Reccos said:
As much as you want to see the guy go out with class, this was nothing more than a selfish moment on Zidane's part that will make him better known for that than winning the Golden Ball award for top player - not to mention his other great moments in the game at the international and professional levels.
Why should anyone think any less of the guy as a super star, he got sucked into a stupid situation and may or may not have cost his team the cup. This should not tarnish the guys career, he screwed up like everyone else has, but in response to an alleged racist comment....on the international stage though..... :eek:
Lets focus on the worst part of that situation, Italy winning! :)

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