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Loss yesterday, Win today


New Member
Oct 11, 2002
Dirty Money
Yesterday we lost to Manitoba 3-2 in overtime, unfortunately our hearts were not in it. Although we wanted to kick their asses(and should have), we really stunk up the park. I think we are all just disapointed and frustrated with the tournament. Thankfully today we kicked New Brunswick 6-0.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Today We Got Even - Screwed Alberta

Too bad about the screwing of the Burnaby team back east and the loss to Manitoba.

From the bit on CTV news tonight it seems an Alberta girls youth team playing in a tourney in North Van this weekend felt they were shafted. They even managed tv coverage! They tied a Surrey team and without the game going to OT or a shoot out, the ref awarded the game to Surrey (as they apparently had a better record). Surrey went on to play for gold.

According to the tourney organizer, Ron Friesen, it seems the rules for the tourney could be interpreted in more than one way. Thus the Alberta girls and parents boarded their bus home without getting a chance for gold.

How complicated could rules be? And to have them able to be read more than one way?
If CSide were running it, it wouldn't have screwed up.


New Member
Oct 11, 2002
Dirty Money
Alberta youth gets the media attention?

I believe youth soccer is very important! I think it is great that the tournament got media coverage when a team needed help and wanted to be heard.
. HOW COME WE GOT NOTHING. We contacted over 15 different adio stations, newspapers, tv shows etc... and haven't heard back yet. I am very dissappointed about the lack of support. We had one local paper in St John's write an article on Sat. I hope the local papers will cover our story including the Province and Sun. People need to know that crap the CSA is pulling here! I stilll want to see the rule we BROKE!


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Sun and Province

This story should be covered as it is more important than the youth tourney (although don't tell that the young teen girls and their parents from Alberta).

You should contact the Sun and Province sports writers either by phone or email. Maybe even have one of your team write it up and send it in. The major papers are better if you want the CSA to get the message. It just takes one writer to get a bit of an interest in your plight and then the story could go from there.

It is a sad day for soccer when crap like that happens in a national championship and people need to make a point about it.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
their has to be a 'story'

I'm glad you are finding the real frustrations of the Senior Nationals. I (we) have shared several of the same experiences 5 years in a row.

When the Senior's were played in Chilliwack a couple years back, there wasn't any TV coverage. Most of the newspaper coverage was the local Chilli times. I confronted our dear sports caster "Squire Barns" in a local shopping mall two days prior to the event and gave him a 'heads up' about the up and coming tourney.

When I asked if there was going to be any local news coverage, 'Square' described it like this: "you see, there has to be some kind of story behind the whole thing" - this was around the time when that 15 year old girl in North Van was making the news b/c she had a pacemaker and was playing top level sports (he conveniently used that as an example):rolleyes: Squire also went on to say that the 'cameras' would be over on the island covering OTHER news.

I did, however, mention the fact that we had quite a few young up and comers playing with our team, (eg. Sinclair, now scoring many goals to lead Canada's youth team), but (he)they were more interested in the Grand Prix in Melborne:mad: Perhaps even finding their funny commercial clips from Spain.

Reccos, the newspapers around Vancouver don't care about the Senior Champs, believe me, you can't even sleep your way to get an article:eek:

I like the fact that in 1996 the U-17 boys got tons of coverage, including TSN, in Richmond (Nationals). All the province teams were kitted up in new"Snickers" sponsoring unis. All quarter/semi/finals were covered, even three days later (repeat coverage). Again, all of this was when BC Seniors doubled the wins in Nova Scotia (Westside men & UBC Alumni women):rolleyes:

BTW, I also confronted Rod Black at the Roxy after the double wins in '96, he was in town covering a Grizzlies game. I stormed right into the men's can to tell him how I felt about the lack of coverage. "But why does CTV (then) want to cover the Senior Championships?" - I'm not even going to start with the 'amature' gargen he mumbled to me.

I'm sorry to say, the coverage isn't going to happen whether we like it or not.



Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money

CBC News Hour with Gloria Mackerenko had a lenghty feature on the Men's Challenge Cup Final, including highlights and interviews. The pitch looked shocking and there was a HUGE crowd watching.



Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Every time Westside has made to the Canadians, there's been pretty good coverage: background articles and pictures before the tourney (Rino usually front and center) and as up to date coverage of the scores as possible.

I know that the Managers have always been proactive though, with press releases and the like. They (the media) don't come knocking your door down looking for info...

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