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National Team: Women


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
VANCOUVER/CKNW(AM980)-- There's a chance that Canada's women's World Cup soccer qualifying team won't play in next week's Gold Cup qualifying round in Victoria.

The players want $7,500 each if they make second place in this qualifying round but the Canadian Soccer Association is offering only $3,500 per player.

The women have hired a lawyer to take on their case.
I'd be interested to know the background on this situation. What are the players' reasons for demanding a 100%+ increase? Have they been fighting long for such an increase? Fat Monkey: what have you heard?

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Mabey they want the Same Money the Men Get

The Men are ranked 72 in the World, I would have to say that the Women are in the Top 7 or 8 in the World.

I think they just want the same kind of money that the mens team has received in the past.

What did the boys get for winning the Gold Cup a few years ago?

I don't want to get onto the subject of womens sports vs. mens sports and the funding that should go to each, but shouldn't our women get comparible compensation for playing and winning.



New Member
Oct 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Who Needs Money!!

Money Should be a privilege! They are hiring lawyers on the case about money issues when they should be playing the sport for their country out of love and support! Makes other players wonder if the players playing international soccer are the real pros?

Money should be calculated by how much value a player is to a club. The men maybe ranked quite low in the world for soccer however, you cannot compare men and women because the standard of play is miles apart from one another. I mean, a U-17 U-18 BC provincial team could probably give the women's National team a good run for their money and maybe beat them.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
I mean, a U-17 U-18 BC provincial team could probably give the women's National team a good run for their money and maybe beat them.
I'd have been suicidal had any of my youth sides had lost to a woman's side, even if it had been the National squad.
Money Should be a privilege!
Playing football at all should be a priviledge. First the vote now equal pay for representing your country. Next thing you know women are going to be thinking they're as good as we are.

Give 'em and inch and they want a fcuking yard.


Jimmy Holiday

Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

What a thumping last night!

Some of the girls on the Haitian national team had bigger asses than mine :eek:

As for the money issue,why not give them the 7500.00 each....What else is the CSA spending money on??????


New Member
Oct 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Throwing money away.

why throw money into something that is not needed? As a boys metro youth soccer player I would do almost anything to play in the gold cup...in fact, I would probably pay for it myself. It would be a great experience for me as a player!

Sorry but playing pro isnt the end to soccer, your not the best in the world yet! No one is the perfect soccer player, there are too many things to learn from experiences at that level of soccer anyway. Developing youself as a player is a never ending process and having the ability to play at such a level of soccer and be squacking for more money is down right pathetic!


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
To the Rich Perkins

Not all players have the kind of money you seem to have. But that is not the point.

The point here is that players sacrifice considerably to play for national teams. They spend time playing soccer that does not always lead to a good career for them. It is the opportunity cost to earn money from jobs, get better grades at school, or to go to higher education and more career training, that is at issue here.

The Government of Canada has chosen to fund these sports for men and women because they believe these sports are important for the country. The US has huge sponsorship opportunities to fund players which we don't.

Thus, how the money gets split up is an issue.

I recall Ritchie Sumner, while he was at SFU playing on a scholarship, telling me that he could make the amount he got in a year of soccer working at the part time job he gave up at Safeway in 4 months. For this, he practiced most days of the week and sometimes road trips lasting a week. During this time you find it harder to study. You are away from the library, etc. You miss some classes for which some profs don't care and won't give you a break. Don't get me wrong. I have never heard a varsity athlete in any sport say she/he wished they never played.

The national program is similar with many people making even greater sacrifices for the love of playing. They aren't asking for a million, only fair and comparable compensation for what they are doing in representing their country.

Getting a lawyer in this case, probably meant a guy who did it for next to nothing, or free. This isn't the NBA or the pro soccer leagues in Europe.

Don't be too quick to judge, Perkins. You sound young, and if you progress, perhaps you will someday be faced with a similar issue, and ask yourself why you are playing for your school, team or country, when you could be advancing your career or education. Then you will know that the money is an issue.

fat monkey

Active Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money
God, this hurts, but...

...I agree with Reccos.:confused:

These women (kids) have sacrificed a great deal to represent their country. Unlike men's soccer, where lucrative contracts await exceptional or even just noticeable players in high profile tournaments, women's soccer has no such pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. They may get a contract to play in the US league (whose name I can't recall), but that barely pays for the rent.

This isn't a knock on women's soccer. I have coached and refereed women at all levels and have a great deal of respect for the game they play. This is merely my point of view on their circumstances in 2002.

The Monkeys says: give them their $7,500!:wa: :knvb: :bronco:

Kara Lang's first 2 goals against Jamaica were among the best I've seen in women's soccer!


New Member
Oct 29, 2002
Dirty Money
My issue

after playing in the game for more than 9 years, I know what commitment and sacrifice is. Spending 5 years with same group of boys, training 4 days a week plus games on the weekend, tryouts are basically nullified, we get players who trail for our team for some time before they are considered to play with us. Everyday of the week you wake up at 6am in the morning and end up going to bed after finishing your homework at 12 midnight to 1 am. I also hold a part time job when ever I am not playing, I have my own car, my grades are well above average, and i will tell you its bloody hard at times, but I dont ask for money as compensation, my compensation is when I play on the pitch, its my getaway from everything. I spend at least $3000 in soccer year round, and I play year round, I love it. After working so hard my team, U-17 Abbotsford Mariners, were rewarded the gold metal in Nationals this year, playing a year up in the U-18 div. I have been on road trips to US and across Canada, and even a few across the world. High School is and will always be a totally different experience from college and college would likely be more difficult but saying I have never face this issue before is highly unlikely.

My point is that if your gonna play soccer dont let it become a burden upon your life. For me, my compensation for 5 years of hard work, training 4 days a week plus games, and spending several grand was holding the cup high up in the air with the rest of my team that had done the very same. If you want a career in life, choose one that you can handle and be able to expand upon once your soccer career is over. I have chosen mine, all I have to do now sit through the rest of the ride.

maybe they do deserve the money but when you are stopping yourself from playing, it makes you ask yourself, Do they play the sport because they love it? or do they play just for the compensation they get after a week of playing a sport they are supposed to love? it makes you mad.

I agree with both of you in many ways, dont get me wrong. but this topic is highly contraversial, and this type of thing has been for quite a few years now. One can say why not use that money to help starving kids? Every type of person can have say in it.


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
I hope starving children are lining up at Perkins' door.

Keep reaching for that selfish rainbow Perky.

It was a lack of fitness that kept me from being the next Mark Nickeas.

Good luck with that.


Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

I'm taking a guess that you've been subsidized quite handsomely throughout your (brief) playing career by parents or guardians. I'm also taking a guess that you're still developing mentally and physically as a player. What I'm getting at is you haven't achieved a status where you can expect to be compensated for your soccer abilities.

These women have sacrificed much more than you have to be where they are. They are the best Canada has to offer and they play a worldclass brand of ball in the women's arena.

This tournament can qualify them for the Women's World Cup. I remember the men doing something similar a few qualifications ago and it came down to one game where Peschisolido hit some guy with a corner flag and took a red. Dolie is still fuming about that because they would have got a lot of money had they qualified. I think it was 100K each, which was a percentage of the dough that FIFA gives qualifying nations. The men had to stand up for themselves to get that kind of incentive.

I would like to know how much FIFA gives to the qualifying nations in the women's side of things as that should be a factor in how much the women get for making it to the world cup.

After watching the first two one-sided games in this tourney, I've gotta say that I find them far more entertaining than the men and the drive and desire is refreshing to see: Lang's second goal last night was a result of determination rarely seen at any level.

The future is bright for the Canadian women's team and I think it's in the best interest of the CSA to offer them compensation in relation to what they will bring in.


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
The future is bright for the Canadian women's team and I think it's in the best interest of the CSA to offer them compensation in relation to what they will bring in.
Exactly. They'd be fools not to ride this train as best they could.

As an aside, did anyone notice how pathetic we look as a soccer nation where we can't even afford to equip our players with long-sleeved jersey if they want them? Poor.


Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
long sleeve jerseys

I hate long sleeve jersey's. You just end up rolling them up anyway. If your the type that gets cold, get off the pitch!!!:rolleyes:


New Member
Oct 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Yeah I remember

I was at that game. It was vs. El Salvador, I was one of the ball boys and I was right there when it happened. Saying that my family has lots of money is a joke, we are hovering around poverty line. Ok, I agree with you about what you've said about women's soccer, and you are right, I enjoy watching them play more then the men's team, however there is no competition as far as watching europe goes I think. I didn't realize they wanted the money after they won that one game in the qualifying round. Which would definately make sense because they've actually achieved something in order to gain that compensation. I'm just sick of all these NBA, NHL, and those type of players squaking for more money. It is also hard to put money into a sport, that may be growing, but is probably not Canada's greatest spectator sport. As much as I hate to say it, Hockey would probably hit that category. However, soccer is getting up there, I hope it becomes Canada's greatest sport. Alright guys, I give in, Go girls!!

Oh and as far as how much money I got, I live in Abbotsford's Ghetto, hehe, as much as we have of one. My parents money pays for rent and food, my money pays for soccer, thats it.

Hey Keeper, if you want to be warmer then use a long sleeve shirt underneath, or a turtle neck. There, problem solved.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Yeah I remember

Originally posted by Perkins
I'm just sick of all these NBA, NHL, and those type of players squaking for more money.
It is also hard to put money into a sport, that may be growing, but is probably not Canada's greatest spectator sport. As much as I hate to say it, Hockey would probably hit that category.

Soccer is in fact the biggest sport in Canada, when you look at the numbers for registration on youth and senior teams.
It is in fact bigger than hockey for participation, probably because it is a lot cheaper for kids to play soccer than hockey.

With all the money that is taken in from registration fees to all the levels of soccer organizations, you would think that some of it should go to the ladies or men that make it to the highest level of the game.

We manage to pay the directors of the CSA and BCSA big wages, but we don't want to give any money to the women that are playing the game.



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I think that part of what HOS just said is at the core of the problem that the demands by the women originate from.

For soccer in this country, the highest place to play must be our national teams. Players who make it this far must be rewarded more than just the honour of playing for your country. There is an abundance of money flowing into the program through registrations and such as mentioned. Do you think that the administrators in the CSA do it for the honour of their country? Of course not, nor should they. Yet how can they justify using that very same cliche when talking to the players?

From the CSA website:

We also wish to begin more actively utilising our very best resources - our national team players in helping to promote the Association and our programs. They are our best ambassadors for the game! Therefore, we need to budget to have our players visit every region in the country in the years to come.

Support materials helping to promote our players along with the addition of some additional human resources on the administration side to support these activities are essential as well.

The cost for this program area is as follows:

Communication, promotion and public relations(Additional human resources) $100,000
Public Relations Visits by Players… $ 33,000
Materials $ 33,000
Administration (additional human resources) $ 34,000
TOTAL $200,000
Someone really needs to look into treating our best ambassadors for the game in a more respective manner rather than just providing lip service.

That's my rambling rant for today. In this thread, anyways :D


Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
The Ozzies are doing something Right

Look at the success that Australia has had recently in all sports.
Success at the last Summer Olympics is one example.
This country pumps huge dollars into all their sports programs.
The majority of this money is coming from Lottery profits.

Canada takes in hundreds of millions of dollars a year from the Lotteries run by the government, and where does this money go. Probably general revenue.
Put this money back into something, like sports programs.
Our pro hockey teams are all trying to get some of the lottery pie and that is great, but mabey we should look at giving some of this money to our various sports programs in this country.

I would buy a few more 6/49 tickets if I knew that some of my 10 bucks was going to help out national sports programs.



New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: The Ozzies are doing something Right

Originally posted by Hands of Stone
I would buy a few more 6/49 tickets if I knew that some of my 10 bucks was going to help out national sports programs.
I certainly wouldn't considering where some of the money is going now: see here.


New Member
Oct 29, 2002
Dirty Money
I hear ya Hands of Stone.

What really pissed me off is when our team went to nationals. All the teams there had a director of some sort representing their province. Our Rep, wasnt even involved with our team, he was just there to look pretty as far as I'm concerned. We only saw him maybe 3 times the whole trip. At our banquet each province was given a gift from the hosting province for coming and competing. He went up there and spoke as if he knew us from back to front, and it seemed he took all the credit when it should have been both the boys and the girls coaches that should have gone up there to recieve what was given to BC soccer. I dunno seems like everything is just politics, and your right More money should go into Canada's sports.

I dont like how BC soccer is run, it just gets to me! :rolleyes:

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