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O-50 Seven-aside League for 2017


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
If nothing else, I am persistent (but then again, there is now an O-45s league - not taking credit - refer to GC for that). Well, I am a bunch of other things, but with that aside, I want to find out if there is interest in an O-50s 7-aside league.

This is played on a smaller field, with slightly smaller goals. The vision would be to have 8 teams in the league with 2 fields adjacent to each other. All games on grass with a Sunday noon and 2:00 game. My team has hosted an intra-club 7's tournament for about 20 years which is always a club highlight. A bunch of us were also fortunate to get a real taste of this in Argentina when we were hosted by a club at their 7's field. It was nothing short of some of the best fun we have had on the field.

The beauty of 7 aside for me was:
- Lots and lots of touches in a game. You frequently are on the ball
- Lots of scoring opportunities
- Fast paced games, always.
- Subs quickly so if you blow your load, come off and you will be back on soon
- High scoring games
- You don't need 18-20 players to get your team together.
- No more 60 yard sprints chasing some legally underaged 32 year old player who is dying to get a break away on you.
- Maximized fun factor

And, if we are successful to get a dedicated double field, this means each Sunday turns into an 8-team event, with increased social fun (beer, BBQ and laughs). Further, if the weather is cold and nasty - no game. Keep the field preserved for good times. And, if we can find the ideal spot where softball doesn't trump us, we can play in the wonderful spring months when the fields are primo.

This would be created through the VMSL, so there would be insurance, access to fields, etc. It would be where all us superstars of yesterday get to keep on playing.

I think there are teams in the O-45 league as well as possibly O-35s that would be interested in this, as well as some of you in other leagues (BMSL, Valley), possibly a resurgence of Firemen, Columbus, PCOV, Westvan, SU, Metro-Ford, Inter, etc.

Depending on the interest, I could organize an early Spring (after our seasons are over) 7's day for those interested to get a feel of it.

Let the games begin (or at least the discussion).


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
This is something that I personally would try and play in as long as my body would allow it - only issue would be I couldn't meet the age requirement until 2019 :(

Otherwise, in!


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
I am guessing that in the first year, we would allow a number of U-50s to play, grandfathering them up as years go by, so to speak.

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