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O45 - Grass Only 7 Aside League


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
This thread to is meant to find out who is interested in a league for older guys with skill, played exclusively on grass, exclusively on weekends, in the months we want to play. More on this later.

Well, this year in the O-40s league, the majority of our away games are on Turf. Without getting into a diatribe on how hazardous turf is to aging soccer players, I have a real desire to just play on grass. And, since my years left in the playing game can be estimated with fingers on my hands with likely a few to spare, I want to make the best of it. While I am at it, I may as well try and make it the most fun I have had in my senior career since leaving Masters Premier.

On one of our South American soccer explorations, our group was privileged to go to Lalo's ranch, outside of Buenos Aires. Lalo is a 70 year old Argentinian soccer-lifer who hosted our America's Master's Tournament. He has done very well and converted a beautiful ranch into the best 7-aside soccer pitch with epic clubhouse ever. For a refresher of sorts . . .

The beauty of 7 aside for me was:
- Lots and lots of touches in a game. You frequently are on the ball
- Lots of scoring opportunities
- Fast paced games, always.
- Subs quickly so if you blow your load, come on off and you will be back on soon
- High scoring games
- You don't need 18-20 players to get your team together.
- No more 60 yard sprints chasing some legally underaged player who is dying to get a break away on you (think of a 35 year old Davey the Dentist hopping like a rabbit at the centre line)
- Maximized fun factor

So, with our aging crew still able to play, I figured why not try and get a league together that would bring these things to reality in our back yard.

Imagine playing September to November, take Dec-Feb off and go skiing, Mexico, Hawaii or whatever floats your winter boat, then playing again from March to June or something like that. Imagine beer, BBQ's and chicks everywhere cheering us on. Likely, there would be TV coverage and media rights. Okay, maybe I have gone a bit far, but I promise this to you - this would be the most fun you will have in soccer from this point on.

Sure, there are logistics involved, but we have good people working on this.

So, who is with me? No turf, No Wednesday/Friday nights, and No shitty cold winter weather. Just glory and no shortage of it.

A great man once said, "hey, we could put this in our pipe, smoke it and have it all"

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
think of a 35 year old Davey the Dentist hopping like a rabbit at the centre line
Too funny because it's true - now think of the 25 year old (and always offside) version :D

I would play this but not as the only version of the game. It would be great to have something like this to augment the regular games, especially if everyone else is almost as old as I am.

What? I said "almost."


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
It stalled as there were so many requirements. Those polled provided a plethora of needs: plush grass (not just the field), gluten-free beer, and of course the wheelchair access. To be honest, life got heavily in the way, which seems to be a running theme for us aging players.

I did do some research yesterday at the Art Museum though. My first 4-20 rally. Simply hilarious.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
I talked to Geoff yesterday. He definitely believes the VMSL can pull together an O-50 7-aside league next year. But, has left the challenge to me to find the 6-8 teams needed to make up the league for the first year. So, I will start a new thread.

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I talked to Geoff yesterday. He definitely believes the VMSL can pull together an O-50 7-aside league next year. But, has left the challenge to me to find the 6-8 teams needed to make up the league for the first year. So, I will start a new thread.
...and how much single-malt was involved in the discussion this time?:D

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