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Taking The Piss??


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
Stoke City on edge after pig's head found in locker - ESPN FC

Stoke City has promised to launch an internal investigation after a pig's head was placed in the locker of striker Kenwyne Jones on Friday.

Jones reacted furiously at Stoke's Clayton Wood training ground, Press Association reported. The incident comes just two days before the club's final Premier League match of the season at Southampton.

"The club takes seriously reports of an incident at our training ground this afternoon," the club said in a statement. "A full internal investigation will be carried out, and those responsible for any unacceptable behaviour will be dealt with in accordance with the club's disciplinary procedures."

Stoke midfielder Brek Shea tweeted a picture of himself with the pig's head with the words "locker room banter gone wild."

It seems the incident went beyond mere banter, however, with reports suggesting the windshield of midfielder Glenn Whelan was smashed in the wake of the grisly discovery.

When Jones was informed by a Twitter follower that he had been responsible for the damage, Jones replied: "For your info I didn't do that get ur info correct."

Jones' partner, Kissa Abdullah, expressed her anger at the incident on her Twitter account, adding that the actions did not take into account religious beliefs. She wrote: "Big men acting like kids a pigs head is not a prank its just disgusting!!!!! I don't get how was that sup 2 be funny!!!! Really???

"Where I come from that's not anywhere close 2 funny! Esp not knowing religious beliefs.

"It just takes a minute to be sensitive to someone's beliefs no one says u can't have a sense of humour but let it be a joke! This wasn't!"

The incident comes just days after retiring Stoke striker Michael Owen had his car covered in eggs and flour by teammates. Jones was also involved on that occasion, tweeting a picture of Owen's car to his followers with the explanation that it was a "leaving present" for the former England star.

Speaking to BBC Radio 5 live this evening, Stoke manager Tony Pulis said he would speak to his players regarding Friday's events.

"We have a smashing dressing room, and there are four or five lads who are always up to something. There is always banter going on," he said. "I honestly don't know what's gone on this morning; I've missed all of what's happened. I try to stay away from the home dressing room as much as I possibly can. I let the lads get on with it.

"We will look at it tomorrow. I will have a chat with the lads and find out exactly what has happened. From that point onwards, we'll let everybody know exactly what the situation was."

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