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The Bald Macedonian Referee (Rubin?)

between the pipes

New Member
Aug 18, 2009
Dirty Money
"We all have no issues with Walks, Rene, Uppal," speak for yourself WAB, all of us at NDU have issues with Uppal!! But more about his choice of beer he puts in the cooler then anything else!!

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
It's weird that we all have such a problem that this guy actually applies the rules of the game. I agree to a fault with the stuff he picks at such as coming on at center only once the player is off the pitch and no passing the ball on the sideline etc. It is amatuer local soccer and really we don't need to hand out cards for stuff like that. however what a lot of local teams/players don't realize is how many tackles are actually straight red cards by the letter of the law. Now it often goes without even a card in FVSL anyways. This guy plain and simple calls the game to the extreme perhaps, guys need to be given some room to play the game. I still rather see the players protected against the idiots then the idiots allowed to foul 8 or 9 times before they are MAYBE tossed. That is what is happening now unfortunatly.

The Poco v PAU game you speak of, Poco came out like a bunch of hacks out to send a message about the cup final embarrassment. This ref decided to send a message because he lined the cup final, which quite frankly should have had 2 red cards in itself. one for Jimmy I believe throwing a punch and one for the tackle at the end of the game which led to the PK. Cloughie also should have been tossed for screaming profanities, some old lady next to me asked who is that man, I responded "only our league president." Would Andy or Uppal have handled it the same way, no of course not but that doesn't mean red card tackles should be ignored so the game can remain competitive. I don't think the guy should be handing out all the other yellow cards for the minor technical infractions but play a skill game and you will come off okay. What I am saying is I like to give lengthy posts that don't really come to any conclusion.

I'm surprised she made it away without being eaten. I don't think I have seen this ref in action. Anyone know when he is reffing next. It might be worth the trip. :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Some quotes from some emails I received:

"We have written a report on him already too"

"I too have written a report after last week's game when we had Ruben Smilev. As I did the first meeting as well. This was the second time we had him this year and we received a total of 16 cards- 3 Reds and 13 yellows! Combining for a total, after last night's discipline meeting, 6 games suspended for 3 lads."

"FYI-I wrote a scathing report about this particular official after our game vs Columbus in which there were 5 reds and many yellows. I believe Columbus also did the same."

"I forgot to mention that I have already spoken to Angelo Pulice about him earlier this season, as well as BC Soccer head referee Bob Sawtell, so I can’t believe he has not come up in any VMSL Executive meetings thus far..."

"FYI, I wrote a two page report after he gave us three red cards vs akal earlier this year and gave akal one red. He also made insulting remarks as well. I also urged _____ to write a report and they told me they would."

I think we all have written reports. So why has nothing been done?


New Member
Sep 11, 2007
Dirty Money
Some quotes from some emails I received:

"We have written a report on him already too"

"I too have written a report after last week's game when we had Ruben Smilev. As I did the first meeting as well. This was the second time we had him this year and we received a total of 16 cards- 3 Reds and 13 yellows! Combining for a total, after last night's discipline meeting, 6 games suspended for 3 lads."

"FYI-I wrote a scathing report about this particular official after our game vs Columbus in which there were 5 reds and many yellows. I believe Columbus also did the same."

"I forgot to mention that I have already spoken to Angelo Pulice about him earlier this season, as well as BC Soccer head referee Bob Sawtell, so I can’t believe he has not come up in any VMSL Executive meetings thus far..."

"FYI, I wrote a two page report after he gave us three red cards vs akal earlier this year and gave akal one red. He also made insulting remarks as well. I also urged _____ to write a report and they told me they would."

I think we all have written reports. So why has nothing been done?

Because WAB........the brass behind the VMSL does not give a flying fcuk!!!! I believe this to be the League's retribution for us not accepting the BCPL.........it's come in the form of Rubin Smilev!!!! :D


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Well he has middled our games at least 10 times...a few yellows and that was it.
I actually thought he was the best Ref we have ever had...
I watched the game POCO vs PAU and those Reds were deserved.
If he has been kicked out of the FVSL thats only because of 1 large reason and you all know it and its really to bad.
If every center was as good as he was ..our game would change to soccer instead of the hockey that is played by most of the teams that are on here complaining.
He brought a European level or standard to Vancouver when he moved here..To bad were so far behind we just kicked him out instead of raising our level to his.
Just another reason Canada is ranked ...What 83 or something.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Diagree... perhaps at the higher levels he performs well, but the bulk of us rec players in masters, D2 etc have a much more casual perspective, like unlimited subs etc...

He treats everyone like a robot and has no flexibility or feel for anything...which is why he just hands out the cards like crazy... and when you are paying to play (amateur) instead of getting paid to play (pro or Poco) sitting out games through undeserved suspensions sucks ass.

And to say that he's sacked from the Valley because cloughies boys got a rough ride from him olast season is unfair. I sent in two reports last year on him: Both were glowing in his technical ability, both were also saying this guy has no feel and players are unjustly yellowed or redded because of his lack of feel and such. I'm sure I wasn't alone in the report department.

Canada being ranked 83rd has nothing to do with a self important guy that enjoys his paperwork after reffing hack amateur soccer.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
I just think it is funny that Poco hated him last year and now Sapperton has the biggest problem with him this year....Is there perhaps a link between these clubs. Can we move this discussion to Julien of the FVSL?


Aug 8, 2007
Dirty Money
I watched the game POCO vs PAU and those Reds were deserved.
If he has been kicked out of the FVSL thats only because of 1 large reason and you all know it and its really to bad.
Ok I'll take the bait, those reds were not deserved, not in a million macedonian years! He was not FIRED by the FVSL, as you are alluding to me doing for retribution, he didn't make himself available. YES we were very happy about that because we were tired of listening to ALL the complaints about him but well done GH for trying to point the finger at me again for some kind of wrongdoing or conflict of interest before you know the true facts of the matter. I really appreciate you giving the benefit of the doubt 1 more time.:mad::cool::p


Aug 8, 2007
Dirty Money
I just think it is funny that Poco hated him last year and now Sapperton has the biggest problem with him this year....Is there perhaps a link between these clubs. Can we move this discussion to Julien of the FVSL?

Cute but the connection is not me it's him, 1st game he saw Sapperton 2 Red and 6 Yellow, 2nd game 1 RED and 5 Yellow.....need I go on.:mad::cool:


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2008
Dirty Money
After listening to all these comments on this ref from all of you, I would have to agree somewhat with ghouse, he brought a level of officiating we've never seen LOCALLY. He called everything BY THE BOOK! Simple. You guys complain that reds were given for foul language have any of you people ever read the FIFA LOTG? Foul language is a send off offence, was it harsh for sending off two guys that were just shite talking each other - probably. I swear on the field and if I was given a red for it I would be choked. Cautioning players for illegal subs, ie. player entering the field before leaving, it's all in the laws of the game. Guys complain that this is just amateur soccer, we all play by the same rules and that's that. If you guys don't like a quick yellow for dissent then after a call is made shut the fcuk up n get on with the game. Getting at the ref doesn't help shite. Both leagues vmsl n fvsl are trying to move forward, when we get a good official we try n get rid of him because he's fair n calls the game right down the middle ? Sure he can call a guy over n talk to him before goin straight to his book but he doesn't do live with it, we all have had good and bad officials and you must adapt to the official each game because with "amateur" soccer we have no consistency in officiating. If you guys have a hard time following the damn rules find another amateur sport......... And I've had Ruben as a ref twice I think he did a great job in both games, yes some silly yellows were given out but according to the LOTG were warranted. It's all about consistency guys, if every official sent off guys for foul language you think it would still be around. What if walks, rene or uppal cautioned us for illegal substitution procedures, would those mistakes still be made - Maybe but not as much as in the past.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Jimmy, cursing is allowed.......just not towards officials. Are you trying to say at the higher level, there is never any cursing? :confused:

Common sense is often ignored in the local game unfortunately........how many players in our leagues are getting paid? Barring ACBC and Poco, I don't see it being much of an issue with most other teams. :D

Larry Dallas

May 8, 2004
Dirty Money
Well he has middled our games at least 10 times...a few yellows and that was it.
I actually thought he was the best Ref we have ever had...
I watched the game POCO vs PAU and those Reds were deserved.
If he has been kicked out of the FVSL thats only because of 1 large reason and you all know it and its really to bad.
If every center was as good as he was ..our game would change to soccer instead of the hockey that is played by most of the teams that are on here complaining.
He brought a European level or standard to Vancouver when he moved here..To bad were so far behind we just kicked him out instead of raising our level to his.
Just another reason Canada is ranked ...What 83 or something.

Bullshit. If you think those reds were deserved, you must think that Poco tried to pull a fast one on you by scheduling your Pak cup semi on turf then changing it to grass. The first 2 reds were so obvious that he had an agenda from the final the week brfore. He calls the penalty from the sideline, player who commits the foul says something to him, then the next week the linesman is reffing the provincial cup game and sends off same player in the first 5 minutes for an obstruction call in the middle of the field. It was so blatantly obvious to everyone watching except for you for some reason.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Cute but the connection is not me it's him, 1st game he saw Sapperton 2 Red and 6 Yellow, 2nd game 1 RED and 5 Yellow.....need I go on.:mad::cool:

I was alluding that the connection is in fact you as you coached the Poco team who got the so called undeserved reds and you coach Sapperton. You coach thuggery with a hot temper, remember when you bitch slapped your player at Mackie...I'm everywhere. But seriously I would never say you booted a ref for your own benefit because as a whole I think you have done a lot of great work for the Valley....friends?:D


New Member
Mar 16, 2009
Dirty Money
I've had this Ref for a couple games, and he's always been to the letter and tried to be very professional. I think that is what he tries to do every game. But coming from Europe here, the game and the style of play might be different from what he is accustomed to. I think the best solution is that each league create some sort of Ref Committee or "Quality Control" that "enlightens" Refs on how the game is played in each league.

For example, if Rockem Sockem soccer is the style of that league, tell the Ref that, and tell him to expect it and keep the cards in the pocket. It's a simple word from the Executives. I think problems with Refs in both leagues will start to decrease when the leagues actually get involved in how to teach and educate Refs how the game is played in each league or what is expected.

Otherwise, you are going to have a to-the-letter Ref like Rubin come along and give 7 reds in one game and get kicked out of every league he tries. And really it's not only him, there's been a couple refs that could be grouped with him as well.

It's not about kicking Ref's you don't like out, it's about re-educating or educating about the game in BC or having some sort of quality control. Otherwise they will continue to make the same mistakes again and again.

Just my two cents on the topic.


Aug 8, 2007
Dirty Money
Bullshit. If you think those reds were deserved, you must think that Poco tried to pull a fast one on you by scheduling your Pak cup semi on turf then changing it to grass. The first 2 reds were so obvious that he had an agenda from the final the week brfore. He calls the penalty from the sideline, player who commits the foul says something to him, then the next week the linesman is reffing the provincial cup game and sends off same player in the first 5 minutes for an obstruction call in the middle of the field. It was so blatantly obvious to everyone watching except for you for some reason.
Well said Larry my man, not sure who you are but you've obviously been well schooled in matters of the soccer variety. Also loved your work on 3's Co.:cool:


Aug 8, 2007
Dirty Money
I was alluding that the connection is in fact you as you coached the Poco team who got the so called undeserved reds and you coach Sapperton. You coach thuggery with a hot temper, remember when you bitch slapped your player at Mackie...I'm everywhere. But seriously I would never say you booted a ref for your own benefit because as a whole I think you have done a lot of great work for the Valley....friends?:D

I'm gonna try and be nice seeing as you play for NDSC and I like John Gaull but thuggery, this is soccer not hockey, last I checked we can't drop the gloves mate! The player you refer to at Mackie is still with Poco and a friend of mine so stop muck raking. Nice comments about the league but I'm too modest to say more.

As far as Rubin Donkey Ballz, what you are all forgetting in your rush to give him the benefit of the doubt is that there are about 50+ coaches who have had the same demeaning comments made to them before a game, that in his country the standard is better and he wouldn't have to referee in front of 25 fans etc etc. That he is a FIFA referee in his country and he will soon be back in the FIFA role. He is making a point every time he issues a stupid Yellow and Red he is telling you that you are crap, wake up people! He has an agenda and it won't stop anytime soon unless you step up and stop him!:mad::cool:

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