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The Story Of Strangerville


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
An interesting tale is circulating in the Valley of the Mighty Fraser and Dressing Room 1 at Newton Athletic Park. An anonymous author is responsible for this tale but obviously one who has deep insight into the life of some of the citizens who live in Strangerville.

My feelings is this may be a story that never ends. It goes on and on my friends. :eek:


The setting is the town of Strangerville. This middle class town is a suburb of Winnerville. Its history has been one of moderate successes, each never completely enjoyed because they never quite measure up to the successes of Winnerville. This perennial bridesmaid status has been identified by the residents of Winnerville (they jokingly call Strangerville – Loserville. Residents of Strangerville are easily identified: they walk around with a false sense of bravado – one that is easily shattered when you mention you are from Winnerville or ask the Strangervillians what they’ve done lately.

The main characters

The main characters are Mayor and Reverend. This duo is often compared to George Costanzo and Jerry Seinfeld.

Mayor is the mayor of Strangerville and Strangerville means everything to him. He spends his entire day thinking of ways to encourage the residents of Strangerville and discourage and denigrate anyone who isn’t a resident of Strangerville.

Mayor is the kind of person who speaks before he thinks and is constantly trying to bail himself out. He does this by constantly reminding people that he was only kidding and that if these people don’t understand where he’s coming from, then the problem is their’s not his.

Physically the Mayor is a scrawny fellow who has a bit of a bounce to his step. If you were watching the crest of a hill you would see a piece of Mayor’s head, and then it would disappear, then you’d see a little more of his head and then it would disappear…you get the picture. He likes to wear odd outfits, occasionally when you see him, you recall seeing his look on a Soviet trainer in the 72 Olympics.

Reverend is a born again Church of Scotland ordained minister. Prior to this conversion he was a Catholic missionary. Because of his charisma the Reverend’s congregation is the one and only church in Strangerville. Weekly the Mayor will address Reverend’s congregation. (The Mayor feels that if he hangs out with Reverend maybe some of his charisma and smarts will rub off on him). His message is usually straightforward –we’re not losers (the Mayor also believes that if he repeats this enough times then maybe it will come true). The Reverend is a large rotund bald man. He looks much older than he actually is. He’s often seen riding about in a wheel chair (the Mayor is always pushing the wheel chair) with a variety of ailments. Those who know Reverand, secretly think he’s a hypochondriac who’s let his body go to make it easier to get sick.

Reverend likes to go on attack – often with misinformation. He then defends himself by using anecdotes and analogies. He likes to name drop and tell people “what a great guy” they are. Those in the know see through this charade. Reverend is only interested in furthering his own cause and that of Strangerville.

Unfortunately for Mayor and Reverend there are some nasty bullies hanging around Strangerville. They are:

Babyface – a sharp witted toughy who likes to poke and prod at Mayor and Reverend’s weaknesses. Also know for terrorizing other inhabitants of Strangerville.

Dregs – the evil Master who spurned Mayor and Reverend’s approaches to reside in Strangerville. Number 1 public enemy on Mayor’s hit list.

Bully – a master wit, nothing sticks on his Teflon coat. Master and Reverend spend hours trying to figure out how to hurt Bully.

Luckily for Mayor and Reverend, after a heavy recruiting program and problems elsewhere – six super heroes have moved into Strangerville. Called the “SuperSix” by Mayor they are:

Silky – a mouthy little hero who talks his way out of trouble
Hooey – known for his ability to fly through the air Hooey likes to hit villains and bullies from behind
HandyAndy – also has the ability to fly. Is very vulnerable to a swing of a leg encrusted with Kriptonite
ZatMan – balding superhero is often unavailable due to injury. Met Reverend through a shared Doctor.
Flaily - Prefers to use his brawn to solve his problems. Often in jail.
Mighty Mac – a hulking man child, some say lacks the intestinal fortitude to be a real superhero. Often found hanging around tanning salons.

Some potential story lines

Superhero wannabe Klassman challenges Babyface to a footrace. The Mayor cheats by spilling mustard on Babyface’s lane. Babyface falls and hurts either, his hip flexor, knee, back, ankle or hair. Reverend acts peacemaker by offering Babyface his used walker.

At the Mayor’s annual clambake, Dregs deliberately burns Reverend’s hotdog buns. After a nasty confrontation with the SuperSix all is saved when Silky produces a fresh dozen buns from his gym bag and throws in the six-pack of Timbits he was saving for himself.

Mighty Mac’s tanning salon goes on fire. Due to a major fire on the other side of Strangerville, the fire department from nearby Deltaville respond. The two balding firemen from Deltaville who respond have been drinking, particularly the older one with a Scottish brogue and a Winnerville hoody, and are unable to put the fire out. Mighty Mac emerges from the bodywaxing salon in the next strip mall and after seeing the carnage at the tanning salon begins to cry. The older Deltaville fireman writes in his report that when the crying man dropped his towel he had no pubic hair.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Just so these guys don't kick me too hard next game, I am merely the messenger of this finely written tale. I must admit, it has raised the bar of pisstaking, and maybe we could add more charcters to Strangerville. Have at her.

Quite the aura around that squad. :D


New Member
Jan 5, 2002
Dirty Money
Wandering vagabond italangelo sneaks past the sentries guarding Strangerville to publicly call out the mayor for a duel at dawn...weapons? mayor's choice - soccer balls at 12 paces...loser to pick' em out of any open orifice; italangelo's choice - armor piercing geegers that will most definitely leave a mark on the Mayor's newest shirt.

Reverend leaps in front of the first deadly geeger and gets confined to his wheelchair, unable to fetch his own pints.
Mayor goes shopping for a new shirt anyways.
Italangelo lurks outside of Strangerville walls...waiting...

;) :D

looking forward to the re-match boys (in Deltaville)


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
That's some extremely funny stuff :D

Further Storyline Development

But where do the inhabitants of Pegopolis from the north fit into this fabled story? Or is that something the Mayor likes to look the other way upon as it is the dealings of Strangerville's underworld crimeboss, the true power broker pulling the strings in the suburb of Winnerville?

Maybe a whole new chapter of The Story Of Strangerville could pop up.

The Ruins of Troy.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I do not have the mental capacity to even remotely grasp this Strangerville place.

And judging by the responses on this forum, neither does anyone else.:D

Does this place involve Surrey somehow?

Back to my anagram game:
Alec Guinness = Genuine class


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Update: The Mayor of Strangerville left to run Hockeymom District, in doing so, most of the inhabitants of Strangerville scattered to surrounding municipalities. Strangerville's place on the map has been subplanted by Castletown, also known as Seriousville.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
I still laugh when I read about the 2 main personalities of Strangerville.:p

Because I don't get it.

The update is I heard was Strangerville and Winnerville merged the twin cities into one to save scarce resources and remains now solely as Winnerville thereby sealing the residents of Winnerville's evil plot to eliminate Strangerville once and for all.

Screw you Hughesy! :D

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Didn't Strangerville and Winnerville merge, and then that didn't work out so Strangerville became Deltaville? And Winnerville took on some guys from Pennville who had come over from or Adzvil before that in an effort to regain their fallen Winnerville status? And what is this about Adzvil all of a sudden being in a Cup final against Pennville?

Just asking.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

And even odder still, several of the Strangerville Residence ended up moving in with me at Willow Park, while several of my former Willow Park neighbors ended up moving to Winnerville.

A lot of the former Willow Park residents followed Salty (Bag of Dicks) Mountain Man after Salty angered many of his neighbors on the strata council by keeping his Christmas lights up too long. But Winnerville wasn’t the Winnerville it once was. The Mayor, in his short lived move to Winnerville, had the effect of one Biff Tannen had on Hill Valley in the epic Back To The Future trilogy. The 2013 version of Winnerville wasn’t what it once was. Like the 2015 version of Hill Valley after Biff returned to 1955 with the Sports Almanac, the 2013 version of Winnerville was a shadow of its former great past. Shootings in the streets, packs of wild dogs on the hunt for anything edible, boarded up windows. They were a 2nd tier town, and not even a nice 2nd tier town. Some of the OLD residents had remained, they were just…older. And Greyer. And (in one particular case) pre-occupied with the dream and status of coaching a coveted HPL team. He’s even paid, can you believe it? They were the types of old and bitter residents that, well, keep their Christmas lights up all year long.

Meanwhile, the Reverend moved into Willow Park. At the urging of one handsome resident, he took over council. Actually, he did so when said handsome resident threw the keys at him and said, “Not it”. Anyhow…

“Back to the Future”…Willow Park and Winnerville are back to both being pretty nice neighborhoods. Older neighborhoods, sure, but pretty nice. Some pride has returned to both places. I guess some residents just needed a change of scenery. Now the Christmas lights come down on January 1st in both places. Now they both hire some young, eager, but not so high priced kids to cut the grass every week. It makes the rest of the work around the place easier, and even though they don’t quite look like sprawling resorts anymore, they don’t come w/ the same overhead anymore, either. They are more like well-kept cabins by the lake. Especially Willow Park, it seems everyone wants to move there. Even Dregs moved in (but his wheelbarrow has a flat, can’t seem to move it). As for Winnerville…they still seem to be intent on returning to past glories, though they’ll need to take on a lot more overhead, and build some high end condos to attract higher end residents. Who knows. It’s what they want. They have some work to do, but at least they cleaned up the mess the Mayor left behind. That’s something.

Meanwhile, Willow Park, where the sun always shines, continues to turn down some nice residential applications, content to remain a destination kick-ass cabin by the lake. The question is, is the Reverend up for One More Year of directing the residents? Who knows…stay tuned…



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Funny, not that much thought, though Google helped on confirming the Back to the Future names and timelines, I'll admit!

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