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Div 1 [VMSL DIV 1] Predictions, Results and Banter 2015/2016

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Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
The objective is that these brawls and fights and assaults in the game have to stop or be minimized. Just look at the number of games in the last two weeks that have been abandoned in the VMSL in the last few weeks. People go to play soccer and there is a risk in the game. However, people are not signing up to the game so they can be punched from behind. The mentality of our community has to be changed. You see BC soccer trying to advertise the cup games to the families and communities, as a way to make the game more popular; and then we see brawls in sports complexes were children are playing. Many teams in the VMSL are not taking the issues seriously; they consume alcohol, drugs, swear, and fight in places where there are children. We can lose access to those facilities, plus it is not right to send these message to the young players.

People only change behaviour when there is a cost. If they see that policy or their bosses act on these manners they will stop and be more careful and they will hopefully realize that indeed THEY ARE ASSAULTING PEOPLE.
What is within the customary norms and rules of the game? From a series of Canadian cases, mainly involving hockey, a number of criteria have emerged as being relevant to a determination of consent, including:

  • Setting of game
  • Nature of the game – e.g., professional, competitive, involving body contact
  • Age of players
  • Conditions under which game played
  • Acts and circumstances – e.g., high sticking, striking head, blows after whistle
  • Extent of force employed
  • Nature of act – degree of risk of injury, probability of serious harm
  • State of mind – retaliation, intimidation
The main cases include R. v. Cey (1989), 48 C.C.C. (3d) 480, R. v Le Clerc (1991) 67 C.C.C. (3d) 563, and R. v. Ciccarrelli (1989), 54 C.C.C. (3d) 121. Other cases, including R. v. McSorley (2000) B.C.P.C. 0116 and R. v. CC (2009), 67 CR (6th) 183, have followed. In R. v. CC, for example, the trial judge concluded that ‘spear tackles’ in rugby (i.e., driving one’s shoulder into the opponent’s stomach, lifting him and propelling him backwards and head first into the ground) are not only outside the rules of rugby but are outside the accepted norms of playing rugby and not within the implied consent of those who play the game. In this case, the offence of manslaughter was made out.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2011
Dirty Money
OK before I get into this I want to state unequivocally that I am 100% against sports being a blank cheque for assault.

In the same breath I am worried we are on a slippery slope here. We live in a very litigious society (maybe not as extensively as our neighbours to the south but still) and we are quick to suggest that these incidents should be escalated to a court of law. My question is: to what end? What are you hoping to achieve with these actions?

Sure we want to keep our sport safe and fun and inclusive, but are lawsuits that take years and thousands of dollars to resolve really the best way to do that?

Can you blame the police and the crown for not taking interest in these incidents? @Soccer Coach provided us the definition of assault in another thread here and @dezza was quick to point out, and rightly so, that the definition of assault is different when you voluntarily enter into an environment such as sports. There is a certain amount of inherent risk assumed by each individual who plays. Remember now that the burden of proof required for a criminal conviction is "beyond a reasonable doubt.". So do we really believe we can prove to a court of law and a jury of 12 that these incidents occur with intent and malice " beyond a reasonable doubt?"

Take the Poli incident. As far as I know there is no video evidence of the "assault.". So it all comes down to eye witness accounts. It seems unlikely that the crown would see a realistic opportunity to achieve a conviction with only this evidence that can easily be refuted or dismissed as unreliable or biased.

Thus that leaves us with civil suits. So are we going to go around suing each other every time someone puts in a bad tackle? Or emotions run high and there's a physical confrontation? Bearing in mind that the burden of proof is still that these incidents occurred with intent and malice on "the balance of probability" and caused damages to the victim of a monetary nature.

Sorry for the rant but I just see this sort of rhetoric spiralling out of control. Nobody wants to see people hurt needlessly playing the game we love for fun on a Sunday afternoon, but honestly are the courts the best way to ensure this? Personally I do not believe so.

Putting in a bad tackle and squaring up to someone face to face in a physical confrontation are completely different than sucker punching someone. Its a competitive sport so physical confrontations will no doubt happen(we are all competitive), they happen in the top leagues all the way to the bottom Sunday leagues but sucker punching someone who is half your size can not be put to emotions running high, that is just pathetic for a man to do. That makes you a coward. This was crossing the line, it wasn't 2 men going toe to toe in the heat of the battle.

The league should have set an example with him and failed.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Sure league failed. Agreed. Penalty should have been stiffer.

But Let's all calm down now.
I am not in to the personal attacks on here. Posting pictures of guys and all now. Like some massive criminal that got away. Mistakes were made.
League dealt with it. Our player has dealt with it. We move on.

Let's just hope that the suspension doesn't set a precedent in the league. 4 games... Damn.

Who is coming out to the VMSL match of the week?
North Delta SC vs Guildford
Sunday night at 8pm - Newton.

This match should have more passion then last week va Columbus!


Blue and White Army

Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2005
Dirty Money
@Soccer Coach provided us the definition of assault in another thread here and @dezza was quick to point out, and rightly so, that the definition of assault is different when you voluntarily enter into an environment such as sports. There is a certain amount of inherent risk assumed by each individual who plays.

An accidental elbow to the head during a header is one thing; charging across the pitch to allegedly sucker-punch someone is entirely different.

According to Dezza's statement, I could powerbomb my badminton opponent after I lose and they have no recourse to complaint because they voluntarily entered into sport.

Soccer ≠ UFC.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
@LION I respect your point of view of. My view as an outsider is different than yours. This was a callous and cowardly attack that could have ended a lot worse. Many examples locally of sucker punches leading to much worse including death. Should we cut the guy some slack because the victim wasn't seriously injured?

I don't agree with that. Sounds to me like the same way the nhl deals with these issues. To add to it all this guy is an employee of our professional local MLS squad whom I and my children cheer for. In the court of public opinion is how he will be judged if thier is no recourse through the vmsl or the Law.

It has left a bad taste in my mouth and just because this incident took place on the pitch doesn't excuse the Schmuck.
Accountability. For your actions is part of life and in the day and age of social media all I am guilty of is saving people time from using google.

Karma is a bitch


Sure league failed. Agreed. Penalty should have been stiffer.

But Let's all calm down now.
I am not in to the personal attacks on here. Posting pictures of guys and all now. Like some massive criminal that got away. Mistakes were made.
League dealt with it. Our player has dealt with it. We move on.

Let's just hope that the suspension doesn't set a precedent in the league. 4 games... Damn.

Who is coming out to the VMSL match of the week?
North Delta SC vs Guildford
Sunday night at 8pm - Newton.

This match should have more passion then last week va Columbus!



Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Another ABD in Div 1 as teams play meaningless games. Keen to get the full story if anyone has it. This time a 6-0 victory awarded to Romania (that's two ABD wins on the bounce for Romania, quality game planning there, clearly should have been playing this way from Day 1 ;) )

Akal coming off the incident with SD involved again. Assuming they were responsible for whatever occurred hopefully the league makes an example.

Anyone we should be charging with assault??


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
I agree canucks4ever then the league needs to handle it. I'm done with the incident I really am but a 4 game suspension for what I saw, sad and disappointing come to mind. Being there and seeing it clearly I would have guessed 8-10 games. 4 games is what they came to and you accept it and move forward.

Plenty of local idiots that happen to play soccer would take a penalty like that to "get a guy." Just hard to really teach the younger players all full of testosterone about respecting your oppenent and consequences. That's what's really frustrating.

Blue and White Army

Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2005
Dirty Money
Just hard to really teach the younger players all full of testosterone about respecting your oppenent and consequences.

Shouldn't that be the responsibility of youth clubs (and parents)? FFS.



Dec 17, 2014
Dirty Money
Youth beginning to revitalize the league for the better with some quality Div 2 sides. I think ND will be more than pleased to find themselves in this position after an unremarkable start. Guildford stole a lot of points this season, you can say luck or determination but their edge came down to the bounces. Another tour would probably benefit their club...They dont have the quality to compete in Premier.

If a young Westside can play the game of their lives and end on 49pts. That could potentially sink Columbus to another season outside of Prem...


Mar 11, 2008
Dirty Money
So looks like tonight's 45 minute continuation match has been postponed after Guildford complained to the league about not having enough guys to field a team. Despite both teams knowing about the fixture for weeks it's been cancelled last minute. Apparently they're also looking to have the full 90 replayed with full rosters rather than the weakened squads BOTH teams had that day. The game means nothing for Romania but if I was Columbus, ND or Westside I'd be livid right now.
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