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Div 1 [VMSL Div 1] Predictions, Results & Banter 2016/2017

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
this one is for you @Soccer Coach



Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2004
Dirty Money
We have 5 teams never had a sock problem
I am not surprised at something so trivial
Would unhinge Campo management
Norvan is a terrific well run club with dedicated
Management who I admire for the the hard work they put in


Active Member
Oct 20, 2009
Dirty Money
He is one of the paid players

According to @Soccer Coach he is not getting paid, he is playing for the love of game and also because the best coach in Canada is coaching him.

@SmartCoach and @dezza I watched one of your derbies and let me tell you that you are right it was one of the most exciting games that I have watched in Div.1. Rino Tigers are young and skilled but I feel like they are missing experience in the backline they are bleeding goals, 20 goals against is a lot its second most allowed goals in the Division. If you keep the team around and add couple of "older" players you guys will be an excellent team.

I have few questions to @SmartCoach and @dezza, what happens if Rino's finish 1st and 2nd in the division and get the promotion? Would you move both teams to premier? or since both teams are affiliated with each other, would the 3rd place team get the promotion? I am just curious to know what would happen.

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
Sorry to interrupt your weekly pre-game ritual also know as C.A.S.F (CampAtleticoSelfFlagellation)....Couple of things...

-Norvan Campobasso, was indeed part of the Norvan club that had 2 main factions, a "First Team" that over the years was sometimes CAT to a U21 or CAT team, and the independently run teams like Campobasso. One of the main goals of the club was to build membership to attract sponsorship to help find/fund a facility and to rally together to get better access to fields. Campobasso was a part of the club during that era for a short 2 years.

-Your Braveheart Recollection...During the lead-up, resolution and integration meetings for the merger with the boys club(NVFC) was when your forefathers decided to make their escape for freedom. It was not the whip they feared, it was not poor pastries and beer we served at our meetings that spurred them on. It was something very trivial and far from the purist ideals you peddle about the love the game. It all boiled down to(their words not mine or others unless this was a pretense for some other fear) drum roll please....Socks. "What about our socks?", "Can we keep our green/blue hooped socks?" This appeared to be the straw/brick(perspective is everything) that broke the camels back as the move to a new uniform scheme was tabled. I do not recall shouting, although after listening to some the talk and reading the various emails that continued on after I was likely shouting W.T.F in my head as my passion for the game transcends the threads that I wear on my back. At any rate, the world is wide and vast, Campobasso took their bow and the rest is history.

Sorry to interrupt your pregame fluffing. No need to thank me for the fact corrections. Please slide your pen back down your throat...as you were.... #TWD #Negan

This certainly makes an interesting story. Two clubs part ways due to a disagreement about socks.

Sometimes I wonder if people in the TTP do ever question their nature of their reality.
Do people wake up and ever wonder why things the way they are? More importantly why should I continue to do what other do?

Is it really about the socks?
Are you open to the possibility that the events might be more about deeply underlying ideological and philosophical conflicts that sometimes manifest themselves through something as trivial as the colour of a uniform?

Why socks have to be of the same colour? Why the shirt of a solid red or black?

Does the FIFA Laws of the game state that the uniforms have to be of solid colour and so the socks? The Laws are very explicit and detailed, but do not make this limitation.

There is an inherent and latent stifling of creativity and human expression.

There is not that much thinking in choosing a basic color for socks, shirts, and pants.

Why it has to be this way?
Why it can not be different?

But the same thinking that restricts creativity, diversity, and exploration and tries to homogenize and predict transcends into the field.

Why do we have to start a goal kick always with a "pelotazo" high in the air?
Why we should always try to go forward with the ball?
Why should we always try to do one or two touches with the ball... avoiding hogging the ball?
Why should we strive to play with high tempo? Why avoid the pauses?
Why should I always prefer or select players who are athletic and tall?
Why? Why?
Why we can not do things differently?

Lets assume that Campo folds. Would you have preferred to have your second Norvan team in Division 1?

One more team with the same uniform, with the same style of play, with the same vision of the game, with the same criteria to select players....

I know that some of you are into following blindly conventions, not thinking outside the box, do the same that everybody does. Playing the same way/ Follow the herd mentality unconditionally. But does this do any good to our league and division?

You know. Not long ago people thought as normal that some people should sit at the back of the bus and others at the front of the bus. Now one or two of those from the back of the bus are allowed to sit in front of the bus just to make it appear that MOST of the others are still put at the back of bus.

Well following that analogy. The ones that were put at the back of the bus simply rebelled and left the bus and got themselves another bus.

Norvan with all the resources and support that has at its disposal should be competing with Coquitlam Metro Ford, West Vancouver, Richmond FC, Westside, Pacific, etc/

But where is Norvan? Competing with a small club? a full army going toe to toe with a small soccer militia? I am sorry to say, but you are club in decline because you hold on to do things in the ways that are always done.

Yes we do things on an unconventional way on the pitch and off the pitch (i.e. like the socks), but why do people feel so threatened when someone is doing or wants to do things differently? Is it because they realize that they are afraid of doing things differently?

Diversity is what will make our VMSL strong, not the opposite.
Ps. I am purposely ignoring the comments from the Stepford Wives Club that has taken homegenization to whole new level.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
Is it really about the socks?
Are you open to the possibility that the events might be more about deeply underlying ideological and philosophical conflicts that sometimes manifest themselves through something as trivial as the colour of a uniform?

So your saying the split is related to you catching your old lady getting railed by the Norvan Mens Premier team while you were out participating in the Metro Vancouver regional Chess Quarter finals?

I'd leave to.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Some intriguing fixtures at the halfway mark this week:

CCB Guilford v GN
A Surrey derby with the teams separated by a mere three points. GN have posted some strong results, but back to back losses have been a bit of a reality check for the Div 2 upstarts. Certainly they have established themselves as a quality Div. 1 caliber team, so I would be surprised to see them get dragged into a relegation battle in the second half of the season. That being said, I think a promotion challenge is a bit much to expect for this group, this season at least. Meanwhile, their local rivals are a promotion contender after last years strong campaign. Bunched with the teams one point behind the leaders, CCB really need the points this week to keep pace and potentially start to leave some teams behind. It won't be easy, with GN always up for a battle, but I see Guilford coming away with the points.

South Delta v Metropolitan
A big relegation six pointer in Tsawwassen this weekend. Assuming, with Akal having dropped out of the league, that there will be only one additional team relegated (as opposed to the standard two and Akal's spot being treated as a vacancy in Div 1 next season) at the half way mark it seems likely to be either SD or Metro going down. Given SD's strong campaign last season, it is surprising to see them struggling like this. Losing players like Geoff Salt back to Richmond has clearly taken it's toll, but still, one win in 9 is uncharacteristic for a group of guys known for grinding out results. Students appeared to be on the up in recent years, growing their club and with a seemingly strong recruiting base out at UBC. Perhaps it has been hard to retain players when they are in the area mostly for school and, like their opponents, high profile exists have evidently taken their toll on the results. Whatever the case, this weekend could well be a hammer blow. I expect a good game between two teams fighting to hold their place in this league. If there is an edge to be had, getting a pack of UBC kids to Tsawwassen on a Friday night could be a challenge. A draw doesn't really help anyone here, so I'll say SD finds a way to get all three points.

Campo v NorVan
MOTW as current leaders take on former leaders. This forum needs no further explanation of Campo's "different" approach to football. As for their form, they generally seem to like big occasions as opposed to the mundane and this fixture would fall under the former. NorVan, for their part, started the season stuck in first gear before rounding into what appeared to be title contending form. Since their bye week however, they seemed to have slipped once more and now a loss would see them four points out of first place. Last time they needed some desperation against Binger's in week five they found it and I think they can go to that well again. Campo though, are chasing another scalp for their collection and will no doubt be energized and prepared. I'm seeing a draw after 90 minutes.

Rino's Tigers v Bingers
Always fun when Bingers encounter a Rino's team. These team's know each other very well from battle in the Richmond summer league. The Tigers results from week to week seem to be determined based on whether or not they can score their way out of trouble. Tigers have allowed the second most goals in the league, but counterbalance that by being the division's top goal scorers. A difficult week, then, for Bingers to find @big gk on the suspension list. Should be a high scoring affair, but without their star keeper I think Bingers might come up just short. I tip the scales towards the Tigers.

Rino's Fury v Romania
Romania got their feet under them enough to climb above the relegation battle, but the find themselves nestled third from bottom as we make the turn. The Fury continue to plug away and with such parity in the league, they are even on the outskirts of the promotion race. Now I am sure they do not realistically see themselves contending for the top two in the league, but certainly a win would take them into some thinner air. A win for Romania would pull these two teams level at mid table, which I think is a more accurate reflection of their campaigns to date. Home form for the Fury remains an issue, as they continued their impressive road performances last time out with a win at GN. The Fury seem in form, but they proved my statistical analysis right last time out by winning away, so I'll follow the numbers and say they lose at home.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
The Why 'O' Why of Why...

So many questions thrown out, some of them good ones but some are really not relevant and merely smoke for your soliloquy.
It obviously was not just about the socks. Sometimes your forget where you are...(TTP)...perhaps there are some meds that can help.The old Campo were obviously a club, masquerading as a team in another club...reluctantly so as history went on to show.

Why a uniform scheme, The idea was to create a new club from the 5 entities that preceded NVFC(LynnValley,Lionsgate,MtSeymour, NSSDC, Norvan) as well as create some efficiencies through bulk purchases etc. I was not part of that decision but as stated before I am in the function over form camp with that regard.

Why can't it be different, a range of options including keeping aspects of the wolf/Club in sheep's/team's clothing was presented to factions on the committee that were asking about colors(it was not just campo but some other members as well)

The one why you did not mention was, Why be part of a bigger club?

In the VMSL, there are still some decent independent teams out there but the ones that consistently have success at the local, provincial and higher levels are the ones that have a club behind them. The road to the upper echelons of BC competitive soccer is not an easy one. Promotions are easy but demotions and changing team demographics over time are the bumps and potholes that quickly change the fortunes of a team.
In the argument you laid down, if I have read this correctly(I am not going to read between the lines and if there are other smaller/bigger issues you will have to let me know), the main issue is around team identity and colors. In my men’s soccer career which has been entirely with Norvan(NorthShore United) I have seen a huge variety and flux in Jersey’s and team wear. Over time, styles change, lines of jersey’s are discontinued, pricing incentives drive one in certain directions, sponsors appear, disappear, reappear etc etc.
The picture is that over time, it is not the color of ones jersey that will establish your team but what you bring to the field and give to the community.
After Campo 1.0 went their separate ways, they did find success but it was partly by riding the Devon Orgill coat tails to a promotion spot. When Devon left, the aforementioned change of fortunes, there were indeed roster problems that some of which, funnily enough, were addressed by NVFC-Norvan sending players over. If I do recall some tall athletic Anglo-Irish footballers were in that crew that transferred over. That is for me, the why of a club.

Regarding promotion and relegation...At the end of an 18+ match season you usually reap what you sow. If Campo were to fold and the Div2 NVFC team was the next in line and wanted promotion, it is there decision to take it. There is that autonomy and support for either decision.

There are no hard feelings in the NVFC-Norvan camp from what I know. The world is big and round and there is plenty of opportunity for all the Rinos, Campos, et al to be as diverse as they want to be; as an independent or even within the framework of a club. Campo's football successes are not frowned upon. I know this might seem contrary to the persecution syndrome you carry, with your G.W.B (General Wanker Behaviour) funneling ridicule your way in a self perpetuating menagerie. More power to the people that continue to support and develop the beautiful game.

One last Why...Why are you such a wanker?o_O

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
The Why 'O' Why of Why...

So many questions thrown out, some of them good ones but some are really not relevant and merely smoke for your soliloquy.
It obviously was not just about the socks. Sometimes your forget where you are...(TTP)...perhaps there are some meds that can help.The old Campo were obviously a club, masquerading as a team in another club...reluctantly so as history went on to show.

Why a uniform scheme, The idea was to create a new club from the 5 entities that preceded NVFC(LynnValley,Lionsgate,MtSeymour, NSSDC, Norvan) as well as create some efficiencies through bulk purchases etc. I was not part of that decision but as stated before I am in the function over form camp with that regard.

Why can't it be different, a range of options including keeping aspects of the wolf/Club in sheep's/team's clothing was presented to factions on the committee that were asking about colors(it was not just campo but some other members as well)

The one why you did not mention was, Why be part of a bigger club?

After Campo 1.0 went their separate ways, they did find success but it was partly by riding the Devon Orgill coat tails to a promotion spot. When Devon left, the aforementioned change of fortunes, there were indeed roster problems that some of which, funnily enough, were addressed by NVFC-Norvan sending players over. If I do recall some tall athletic Anglo-Irish footballers were in that crew that transferred over. That is for me, the why of a club.

Regarding promotion and relegation...At the end of an 18+ match season you usually reap what you sow. If Campo were to fold and the Div2 NVFC team was the next in line and wanted promotion, it is there decision to take it. There is that autonomy and support for either decision.

There are no hard feelings in the NVFC-Norvan camp from what I know. The world is big and round and there is plenty of opportunity for all the Rinos, Campos, et al to be as diverse as they want to be; as an independent or even within the framework of a club. Campo's football successes are not frowned upon. I know this might seem contrary to the persecution syndrome you carry, with your G.W.B (General Wanker Behaviour) funneling ridicule your way in a self perpetuating menagerie. More power to the people that continue to support and develop the beautiful game.

One last Why...Why are you such a wanker?o_O

I understand that is hard to wake up everyday pretending that is not there. Every interaction reminds you that is there. Sometimes you are reminded in overtly and direct manner, sometimes you are reminded indirectly in a more subtle manner. For that, you have my sympathy. I imagine it must hard to endure.

Every time that I read your posts, I see the insightful and accuracy of speech given in Michigan in January in 1963.

The questions remains for how long will a person continue to be used willingly as a token? How long will it take to the person to develop the guts leave the house and join the field?

To answer your question of why SoccerCoach is such a wanker?
You would have to answer why you want to believe that SoccerCoach is a wanker?

Perhaps he is just pointing out the obvious that is hard to accept. Perhaps it is easier to accuse him of insanity than reflect on what he is writing.

You know. Last time that I checked, Norvan boasted itself to be the largest and more resourceful boys and mens club in the Lower Mainland. Larger than Coquitlam Metro Ford, Surrey United, Langley United, West Vancouver and the like. But is Norvan competing with those guys?
Where are all the hundreds of boys that each year graduate from Norvan? I do see a lot of talented youth graduating from Norvan. Many quite representative of the diverse communities that compose North Vancouver. But do I see them in Norvan adult teams? I do not see them there. Where are they? Where do they go?

It is yours to figure out where they are going.

But I have to tell you that I do have a several players from North Vancouver who I value and respect but for some reason Norvan coaches have managed to discard and toss up without mercy. Be careful, because those who your coaches categorized as undesirable to play might be the ones that might be scoring the goals in your net.

Is Norvan managed/coached in a competent manner? If your answer is yes, then why is not in the top of the Premier table?
Because this is where it should be if people would be managing/coaching it competently.

Do not worry. You are not in the first one in the history of mankind who rather accuses someone of been mad than attempting to reflect and ponder why he is writing the things that he is writing.
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