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Div 3 VMSL Div 3 2010 - 2011 Banter, Results, and Predictions

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Sep 3, 2005
Dirty Money
yah we had a tough loss, good game, chances at both ends, they got in behind our defense a few times and buried them.

looks like the division is shaping up as it should, although i think we'll see pacifica leap frog 13th legion and probably thighmasters to get into the top 3.

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
CYA 4 Celtic 2.

Let me preface this by saying "holy fcuk are they bad!" That said, we were worse...

Probably on of the ugliest games I have been involved in for years, as our old guys weren't available and the young guys who were couldn't string more than two passes together; and our normally reliable Van der Saar clone in goal made more like Robinson, letting 3 soft ones in past (or through) him.:rolleyes:

1-1 at the half, and it got frustratingly worse. Who knew Brazilians couldn't play in mud?:rolleyes:

Onwards and downwards to Friday night at Byrne Creek against Raul10's mob, where I'm sure because of the location and the late night:rolleyes: I'm sure we'll have a similarly depleted squad...


trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Hey, they scored 2 this week, didn't they?;)

Celtic 1 Lake City 1. Both teams felt they should have taken more points home from this one, but I think we had more chances on the night. Their keeper was definitely man of the match, stoning our guys on at least 3 breakaways as well as getting the worst of a collision with Levi. Nice to meet Raul10 after the game as well.

Watched part of Pacifica vs Zawisza yesterday too; the game was called early with Pacifica up 5-0 after a challenge in the box went wrong (head to head collision). Hopes and prayers are with Darren White and his family after his ambulance ride to VGH.


Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
I Turkistan is one hell of a team to play in that league. Kosovo has no class what's so ever. It is called fare play. Read the rules. Guys take out a player or two to give the Turkistan guys a brake. Better yet Turkistan should call defalt next four games just to show to rest of you not to do crap like that. We play soccer for fun and as class act guys. That truly shows no respect for new imigrants in this city. A club or clus should send one or two guys to help Turkistan out. I guess you guys would be hapy if the club folded.
I gues Mr Azzi forgot again. Ups we are not addig clubs in our league. I five loves Azzi. Good guy gives every one a chance.


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
Mr BASE man..

If u are giving up 17 goals in a VMSL div 3 soccer game Perhaps this is not the sport 4 them to play. Your immigrant comment is bull s h i t.. u r an idiot .. . I heard u screwed those kids in the valley over (balkan wolves).. your comments have zero credibility. U dont play div 3 soccer in canada expecting to sit guys out to even things up.. These guys are out to have fun and thats it. they dont care about a win or loss

Go Fcuk yourself 17 times over asshole.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Mr BASE man..

If u are giving up 17 goals in a VMSL div 3 soccer game Perhaps this is not the sport 4 them to play. Your immigrant comment is bull s h i t.. u r an idiot .. . I heard u screwed those kids in the valley over (balkan wolves).. your comments have zero credibility. U dont play div 3 soccer in canada expecting to sit guys out to even things up.. These guys are out to have fun and thats it. they dont care about a win or loss

Go Fcuk yourself 17 times over asshole.

We have 2 Balkan Wolves on our U21 this year they had been well coached last year.
They told me Div 3 Fraser valley was a hack show . No other negative reports. U18 players that are not selects should go to u21 to develop .
2 of our U 21 players from last season are now starters on Prem team ,sometimes they need one more year or so with there own age group.When i coached youth at Dunbar we had up to U19 ,THE YOUTH LEAGUE TOOK IT OUT IN 1999.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Polska who ever is giving you info is not telling you the trouth. Ask him if he paid a cent. Than talk. I ask for comitment and team work. I am not intrasted in anbody that comes to play when they feal like it,or they gain twenty pounds and can not play due to no air. Not my bit. Your bud in Fraser Vally wanted his own guys. He gave them a spot, and that is all. The man sas one thing does another. All due to loosing his spot as a head guy. Nothing more. I will have a team agin. If you are Pol than red and whit and blue will look good to you. That is what it is alll about. Good kids alway play. Guys that did not comit what can I say. Go do what you have to do. I paid for a spot I paid for the Unie I paid for the refs. You can talk all you want. Must have facts before you coment. But as always you coment before you think. I will no longer cquote your posts. Insalting person with a small pony always trys to bring some one else down. In my opinion you fit the mode. If I remeber it corectly it was BCsoccer that got rid of you as a coach in 90.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Smartcoach. Very well said. He is pissed off about the past. What can I do. I like Rubin he will give me a sopt. I have a sheet that will clear it up. Kids went to Croatia Premier and to B side. B side is full of 18 year olds. It will take a year and you will see them go up.
I will have Burnaby side in next year. It takes time to prove your self. All in good fun. Polska as a person was fantastic. He just did not have it as a coach. First you have to win people over than coach. He was in his own world. Kids did not get it. He is a good family guy. And I wish him nothing but the best.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
I would rather be scored on 17 times, than have a team pull their guys, move their goalie to forward or play keep away. I think thats more of a slap in the face than the goals going in the back of the net. maybe play the guys who don't get all the playing time, but don't disrepsect a team by, pulling players etc. Id take the goals against any day.


New Member
Nov 3, 2010
Dirty Money
taking players out or switching positions is a classy thing to do.. if that is a slap in the face, then what would the 17 goals allowed be? lets be real here. No team should put more than 8 past a team, it shows no class. the pace of the game drops and no one has fun. such a weird side to take really. you've allowed 17 goals, but once a team changes it up to make it more fair and enjoyable to play it becomes a slap in the face?


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
either way sucks. the 17 goals is just my opinion. I were playing id rather have their striker score 6 goals than have them pull their goalie put their striker in net and have their goalie start potting them. when it comes to the pulling players (again my opinion) its like saying "well you're this bad 11 vs 11, lets give you a chance by playing with 9. I would just rather lose 11 vs 11 than be beatin with charity gestures. If my team were getting beat that bad, id take up another sport, I wouldnt be able to handle it personally. Well done to those guys who stick it out.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
How ironic that Kosovo beat Turkistan 17 to 2. If it was not for Turkish boys Kosovo would never be free. I see your guys point but still there is no dam way that one should do that. Keapaway is the only way both sides can use 11v 11 and have bit of fun. Play one or two tatch game.Use it as a practice for next game. You got to look it from Turkistans point, boys showed up and played. Other sides would forfit games as they do in U21. No side wants to go and play Metro Ford. Teams give the the points. Do you think that is OK? Div three is a working league. It is div 8 by world Standards. It is all about fun and class. You just wate a year guys will fist fight if that keaps on going. That is a total put down. Team needs help. I wish some of you guys send them a player or two to lift their game level up.

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Mr Base:

If they're losing by margins that big, they need a bit more than a player or two. Not sure about 3A, but nobody in 3B is 10 goals better than anybody else that we have played. Cup play could be interesting.

Catch-up results:

Signmaster 3 Us 1. One off the crossbar and then the back of our keeper's head just about summed it up. Good hustle for a bunch of older lads who will be looking to make the transition to Masters' play soon. The surface at Clinton did us no favours - we lost two players to injuries (one ankle and one separated shoulder), one of whom might be longer term.

Zawisza 2 Us 3. Nice to win something for a change, but we HAD to do it the hard way, considering they were short players for the whole game. Thankfully we were able to rise above the numerous brain farts that plagued the first half, from our rookie keeper getting chipped badly for the first goal in the game to Rene nearly wearing his whistle out from having to call our idiot forwards offside so many times (yes, their own faults). Too many chances not finished and their keeper literally standing on his head (and very much earning Man Of the Match honours) kept the score far more respectable than it ever should have been.

On to Cosmos next weekend, and finally a game somewhere other than Clinton.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Trace Turkistan mostlikley came from Burnaby league. Dive two sides Burnaby league woud be bottom teams in VMSL. I am not sure why Turkistan left Burnaby League. I do not think we will see them in VMSL next year. Unless they get ten new players that can play the gamew. I went to see the guys play. The team is built of Bronze player. I give them much credit for comming to play every game. Leader is a good guy and trys hard. In my opinion Burnaby league is better for them. There is no way you can teach them the game at that level. They have it or they do not have it.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
All of you soccer players and suporters we need to make a new song for Whitecaps for next season. It will be lossing year and learning how to play in that league. Any of you blue guys give us you bit on few Lyrics for a new song. It might be more fun than watching them next year. I wish they went to Scotish League and got three guys atleast we would kick the krap out of them. Look out for Watchers side. They will try to take the Eagles spot in Premier next year. It would be very interasting to Watch the two Ctoation sides play against each other. I still say there is now way of beating red white and blue. Always as one. Look out for Greek side as Adrian Kekec gets going. My wote is no to two Croatian sides in premier.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
Mr. Base, if you want to talk about songs for the Whitecaps you should sign up for the Southsiders forum. I'm sure they would be very happy to have you join and together you guys could write some amazing lyrics.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
Mr. Base, if you want to talk about songs for the Whitecaps you should sign up for the Southsiders forum. I'm sure they would be very happy to have you join and together you guys could write some amazing lyrics.

No Dezza, the VMSL D3 thread is the perfect place to discuss lyrics for a new Whitecaps song.


Sep 3, 2005
Dirty Money
13th legion 1 - lake city fc 0

been a while since i've played with snow coming down, pretty fun. both teams had chances to win it, they had a few more than we did, including 2 crossbars in the first ten minutes before we settled down. they got their winner with five minutes left and pulled 9 guys back behind the ball. a solid effort for us going into some winnable games the next few weeks.
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