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Div 3 [VMSL Div 3] Predictions, Results & Banter 2016/2017

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trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I have no drama or need for dramatic effect. I barely have enough time to write this as it is. Too freakin' busy.

Uncle Heavy

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Apr 25, 2013
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any chance of them adding a fourth division next year? there were a lot of blowouts and shite teams in the third div this year - maybe we would see better games and less forfeits/shellackings if they featured an even lower entry level division. a ton of 7-0, 9-1 scorelines if you go through the schedule...really pathetic to call it a competitive league and then see some of these teams essentially quitting 25 minutes into the game because theyre already down four or five.

my two cents.
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trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Hundreds of years ago, the VMSL used to be a full ladder league like the Island has, with just one group for division. There were a couple of reasons why this changed to the current system:
  • if you can't get into a higher division by taking over the spot of an existing team, you've got to start at the bottom of the ladder (this is still the same). The shorter the ladder is, the fewer teams had to get hammered along the way. When the league was structured that way, there were a couple of very strong teams (Queen's Park Rangers comes to mind as the primary example) who were really at a much higher level than they had to start at, so they spent 3-4 years thrashing everyone they played as they moved up the ladder.
  • keeping a team of guys together over several seasons is a challenge if you're in that situation, even if you are moving up. The lure of quicker gratification by jumping to a higher-located team is pretty strong for some players, and you can see this in the amount of premier players who have been on the rosters of multiple teams. Making the ladder shorter also meant that it didn't take as long to level up as before, and you allegedly had a better chance to hold on to your players.
Not saying that this wouldn't be better with another layer; just remember that we've only had two seasons of playing with 3 groups of Div 3 teams instead of 3 groups of Div 2 teams. This means that there are definitely some sides at the top of Div 3 that 2 years ago would have been playing in Div 2 (maybe even competitively). That said, you're right - there is a bit too much of a gap between the top and bottom teams in most of the groups. I'd also suggest ditching the CAT division, and throwing those teams into Div 3/4. It would mean re-jigging the CAT system, but it would also give those teams something meaningful to play for (promotion).

I'm not saying that one system is better than the other; what I would like to see is a serious evaluation of the FVSL's approach to the club system, and whether or not it would be able to work in the VMSL as well.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
I'd also suggest ditching the CAT division, and throwing those teams into Div 3/4. It would mean re-jigging the CAT system, but it would also give those teams something meaningful to play for (promotion).

I'm not saying that one system is better than the other; what I would like to see is a serious evaluation of the FVSL's approach to the club system, and whether or not it would be able to work in the VMSL as well.


If you can make this happen, forget buying you a beer. I'll buy you a case.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
From what I know, there was talk of this restructuring at the AGM last near, but what it really boils down to is time.

Someone needs to come up with a full template and then get by in from the board and the league members. I recall hearing that a committee would be struck to develop an alternative to CAT, but to my knowledge this has not come to fruition. I would suggest that this is because it is a decently sized undertaking, with no guarantee that after you do the work it's not going to just end up being voted down.

Still though, it seems to be reaching a tipping point, more and more people are talking about it. I cannot think the current system has much of a lifespan left.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
From what I know, there was talk of this restructuring at the AGM last near, but what it really boils down to is time.

Someone needs to come up with a full template and then get by in from the board and the league members. I recall hearing that a committee would be struck to develop an alternative to CAT, but to my knowledge this has not come to fruition. I would suggest that this is because it is a decently sized undertaking, with no guarantee that after you do the work it's not going to just end up being voted down.

Still though, it seems to be reaching a tipping point, more and more people are talking about it. I cannot think the current system has much of a lifespan left.

Yes, I remember talk of a committee being formed at the AGM, but it's just been dead air since.

As far as developing an alternative, I'm not sure it's that much work. We can just look at what FVSL and VISL are doing and use that as a template.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
All done and dusted in 3A and 3C. Congrats to Royal City and Metro Ford Lupi on their championships and their promotions!

3B hotting up though...

Cliff Sr. Cobras led nearly all season until a lengthy Cup run let Bosna climb to the summit. Bosna have only one fixture left, but it's next week against Cliff. Meanwhile the Cobras play the Boners this weekend; a win and they can clinch the title next week vs. Bosna, a loss and it will be Bosna with the chance to win the title next weekend. Any other combination of results and it will come down to Cliff's final two make up games in the following weeks.

Should be quite the finish!


Active Member
May 28, 2009
Dirty Money
Boners 0, Cliff 0 today. My first game back after 7 months away, and that was fun.
Neither team were very inspiring and both were missing some of their top players.

Cliff will have to play a Hell of a lot better in the final make up games
than they did today if they want to catch Bosna

On to the summer league!


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
Boners 0, Cliff 0 today. My first game back after 7 months away, and that was fun.
Neither team were very inspiring and both were missing some of their top players.

Cliff will have to play a Hell of a lot better in the final make up games
than they did today if they want to catch Bosna

On to the summer league!

Glad your back mate


Sep 8, 2016
Dirty Money
Royal City 2 - 4 France FC

What a finish for FFC ! I don't know if Royal City players were really excited about this last game but we were. We really wanted to take this 4th position and show to everybody that the bad results during the first part of the season were only due to the fact we didn't have a goalkeeper and only 14 players available.

It was a good game against a good team under a bright sun. Royal has some technical players and a good organization. The number 9 and 33 are clearly above the average level of div 3 A.
The game started with a domination of Royal so we choose to play in counter attacks. We scored on one of those after 10 minutes. After that the game was more balanced and a penalty helped us few minutes after the first goal, a deserved one in my opinion. The game continued on the same rhytme with a balanced possession, each team had their highlights. They scored in one of their good moments and come back at 1 - 2. We finished the first half with 2 goals, we also touched the pole on one occasion and I am almost sure than on one of our big opportunity the ball crossed the goal line, but it was not the opinion of the excellent referee we had today (I mean it for the ref, he was one of the best we had during the whole season)

The second half was kind of the same in term of possession with a small advantage for Royal but they were clearly more dangerous than us. They scored a goal early in the second half and they had 3 big other chances (they touched the poles 2 times). We also touched the pole again but we had less opportunities than them in the second half, we simply managed our advantage and efforts to keep the score as it was.

We are happy to have played in the VMSL this year and we are looking forward to the next season. Even if we had arguments during some games I think it's just part of football (or soccer if you prefer), most of the teams in this league have a good spirit and it was a real pleasure to compete against you guys.

We are also proud of the second part of the season, we didn't loose a game against the top 3 teams (Westside, Royal and America) and we tide our victory / defeat balance to 7 - 7 (3 draws) with a 0 goal difference.
Next year we will do our best to be at the top of the standing, the goal is ambitious but doable in my opinion. In addition to our current 19 players, we already recruited 4 new French guys who all played at a good level in France, next season will be exciting !

By the way if any team want to organize a friendly game with us in the summer, we would be happy to play.

See you guys next season and congrats to Royal City ! À bientôt !


Sep 8, 2016
Dirty Money
I don't know if you guys have the same problem but it seems VMSL has trouble to keep the goal scorer standing properly updated ...
We scored 37 goals but we have only 28 goals registered under France FC players in the goal scorers standing...

It can be a bit annoying for strikers like me, I didn't make a great season but ending with 2 goals on this standing makes me kind of upset... I sent messages to VMSL regarding this matter without any reply. I guess it shouldn't be too complicated for referees to send the informations about scorers after each games and for VMSL to update it properly... We are not famous for our organization skills in France but we don't have this kind of problems even at a low level.

Anyway, I don't know if some of you guys will play the Squamish tournament next week end but we will play against a well known team at the 1st round : America FC. Looking forward to play against them and finally try to beat them !!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
I don't know if you guys have the same problem but it seems VMSL has trouble to keep the goal scorer standing properly updated ...
We scored 37 goals but we have only 28 goals registered under France FC players in the goal scorers standing...

It can be a bit annoying for strikers like me, I didn't make a great season but ending with 2 goals on this standing makes me kind of upset... I sent messages to VMSL regarding this matter without any reply. I guess it shouldn't be too complicated for referees to send the informations about scorers after each games and for VMSL to update it properly... We are not famous for our organization skills in France but we don't have this kind of problems even at a low level.

From what I understand this was the first year that the VMSL kept track of goal scorers outside of Premier and Masters Premier. This was as a result of the new website. However, the league did not actually intend to keep goal scoring stats outside of the usual two divisions, some referees just included them in their reports voluntarily.

As a result, at the beginning of the season especially, not all referees kept track of and reported goal scorers, thus the discrepancies. I would expect this would be better next season as I assume referees will be told to track and report goal scorers in all the divisions.

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Like all of us, some refs are great communicators, and others are well, referees...

The easier the league makes it to submit reports, the more detail the refs will be willing to provide.

Clem, congrats on a good first season. Welcome back, RickG. Hope all the health challenges are behind you.


Sep 8, 2016
Dirty Money
I am looking for informations about the 'status' of a soccer club in BC. It seems that we need a 'non-profit number' to be able to rent a field with the city of Vancouver, a thing we don't have with FFC.

Do you know where can I go to create 'non-profit' in order to get this number ? I tried to look for informations about it online but it seems hard to find anything on the internet.

I know it's not related directly to div3 VMSL but a little help would be much more appreciated.

(And by the way France FC ended at a good 3rd place at the Squamish SoccerFest tournament last week end !)
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